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Q: What are some advantages of using stereomicroscopes over compound microscopes?
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Are cells discovered using electron microscopes?

Cell are not discovered using electron microscopes.

Give an advantage and a disadvantage of using online or virtual microscopes?

Advantages of virtual microscopes include the fact that they're a great learning tool, and they require no maintenance. Disadvantages include the fact that the samples are not able to be rescanned, and the ability to manipulate images is limited.

Who saw first cell nucleus?

Dr. Hue G. Rection saw the first nucles of a plant cell in 1887 using one of the first compound microscopes.

A virus is 50 nm in size so would you recommend using a stereo compound light microscope or an electron microscope to see it?

Viruses can only be seen with electron microscopes

What jobs involve using microscopes?


What century were microscopes used to study cells?

Though it may have occurred earlier, the first account of using microscopes to study cells occurred in the 17th century. After that, the use of microscopes in research became a popular method.

What type of microscopes do scientist use when they want to examine specimens that are smaller than those which can be seen using a light microscope?

They used microscopes call apple microscopes.

Why are light microscopes useful?

A compound light microscope is able to provide more clarity and detail than a single lens microscope, which is its advantage. Compound refers to the microscope having more than one lens.

What are the advantage and disadvatges of a light microscope?

The advantages and disadvantages of the light microscope relate to light, magnification and resolution. Light microscopes magnify visible light--an obvious advantage, since this is what our eyes can see. Magnification (how large an object appears) and resolution (the clarity of details) are both limited when using light microscopes.

What did scientists observe using the first microscopes?

cell parts

What did scientists observe using the earliest microscopes?

tiny organisms

What is a limitación of using electrón microscopes to view specimens?

The specimen must be dead. Electron microscopes view specimens in a vacuum- no air.