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Q: What are some albums that are incredibly sad throughout?
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Yes, they did earlier this month. It's so sad. They were incredibly cute together.

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You can get sad metal songs and you can get sad pop songs e.e. the killers do some sad songs... you know what I mean!

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Some symptoms are a sad and depressed mood throughout the day, insomnia or excess sleep, fatigue, feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, or guilt each day, or loss of enjoyment in pleasurable activities.

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No numbers are sad its a type of myth.. Some of them can be lucky but believe me non of them is unlucky/ sad for you.

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hi my name is toh paw. i'm 16 years old.i have a crazy Lief. i so sad. i don't want to talk about it.

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the mood of the poem is how the character's personality changes throughout the story. I THINK?

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Some sad words:awfulbadcrushingdreadfulennuifriendlessglumhopelessilljoylessnessknocked downlethargymoodyneedyoverwhelmedpeevishqueasyremorsefulsorrytroubleduneasyvulnerablewoefulx...yearningzealless

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If anything doesn't make you sad then you are an emotionless person. An emotional person will feel sad at some point.

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-I Need You!

What is a word that means sad looking but rhymes with weary?

Here are a few rhymes for lonely that could have negative or sad connotations:OnlyPronelyAnd some near-rhymes:HomelyColdlyLowlySolelyPhonily?