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Agnosticism is simply the view that it is impossible to determine whether or not god(s) exist, and so take a stance of neither faith nor disbelief, instead asserting that they do not know.

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Q: What are some aspects of agnosticism?
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How do you put the word agnosticism in a sentence?

does agnosticism count? if so, His agnosticism prevented him from accepting any form of religion.

Mention a god of agnosticism?

Wut? Imma try to interpret this. Agnosticism doesn't have a specific god. It is just the view that their may be a creator of some sort or their may not be. It is sort of in between religion and atheism.

Use agnosticism in a sentence?

Agnosticism is the denial of humankind's ability to know or understand the existence or nature of god(s).

How would you use the word agnosticism is a sentence?

Agnosticism is a religious choice not really comprehended by most people religious people.

Where can you find information about agnosticism?

For a definition of agnosticism, one need only turn to any dictionary where one will quickly learn that agnosticism is a religious viewpoint that essentially 'sits on the fence', not following a religion but also not asserting that religion is false. For more information about what agnosticism is about and motivations behind being agnostic, one can look to explanations on religious websites or talk to a religious figure.

What is the location of the religion of agnosticism?

Agnosticism is not considered to be a religion. Agnostics, by definition, are unsure about the existence of God (or any other diety for that matter), and therefore wouldn't worship him.

Who is the founder of atheism?

No one founder of agnosticism has existed. The word is a variant of agnosis, which simply means "not knowing," and people use it in reference to their belief that a person cannot truly know whether or not a god does or does not, or gods do or do not, exist. That is strong agnosticism. Weak agnosticism is an individual's being undecided.If it can be said that there was a main proponent of agnosticism, then that proponent was one of Charles Darwin's staunchest defenders, Thomas Henry Huxley. He noted that others had too-strong beliefs--he called them gnostics--whilst he was still searching. For him, agnosticism was an epistemological method, one that might have been equated with rationalism, and thus did not conflict with his being an atheist in metaphysics.Hence, it is possible for a person to be both a strong agnostic and an atheist. Rationalists declare their argumentation defensible and maintain that agnosticism applies. But some of these consider strong agnosticism wrong in that the arguments against God and the arguments for naturalism succeed. It is therefore a matter of judgment. Graham Robert Oppy, in Arguing About Gods,expresses the fallibilist attitude and explains weak agnosticism.

Is Egypt traditonal economy?

NO. Modern Egypt is a mixed economy, with some aspects of capitalism, some aspects of cronyism, some aspects of planned economics, and some aspects of a traditional economy. However, Egypt is primarily capitalist and cronyist.

What is faith statement of agnosticism?

There isn't one. It is not a faith or religion.

What are the dominant religions in America?

Christianity Atheism Agnosticism Scientology

Is Agnosticism an intense personal experience of sacred reality?

No it isn't.

What is a person called whos not sure if they believe in god?

an Agnostic (from agnosticism).