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Q: What are some bad things about John Locke?
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What bad things did john Locke do?

about nothing, he was a good man, believed that men were able to govern themselves, and believed in an absolute democracy.

Did John Locke think mankind was good or bad - and why?

John Locke believed that mankind was inherently good. He argued that individuals were born as a blank slate, or tabula rasa, with the capacity for reason and moral behavior. Locke believed that society and upbringing influenced human behavior more than innate tendencies towards evil.

What is John Locke concept about Tabula rasa?

john locke concept tabula rasa mean a child is born with blank mind - neither good or bad and it is called blank sheet.

WHO WAS THE Enlightenment thinker thought people had the right to overthrow bad governments?

One of the Enlightenment thinkers who believed that people had the right to overthrow bad governments was John Locke. Locke argued that if a government fails to protect the natural rights of its citizens – life, liberty, and property – then the people have the right to rebel and establish a new government.

What bad things did John Muir do?

He did not do any bad things

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tu madre

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What are some bad things John Muir did?

John Muir didn't really do anything bad he did start violence but only to make the world a better place and it worked. Google him and find out is my advice to you.

Which Enlightenment thinker thought people had the right to overthrow bad governments?

John Locke

What did monks write about King John?

The monks wrote bad things about John,some even false because King John didnt like the pope and the pope didnt like him.

Did john Locke think people were good or bad?

He thought that people were born "Tabula Rasa" or like a blank slate. The environment in which one lives influences weather one is good or bad.

Which philosopher is closely associated with the concept of natural rights?

John Locke, the British philosopher considered the father of Liberalism, is the one associated the most with the concept of natural rights. His theory was that all men were good by nature and experience is what makes them turn bad or continue being good. That's why he asserts that everyone has natural rights to achieve freedom and happiness.