

What are some big things that solar energy can do?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What are some big things that solar energy can do?
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The sun produces big explosions of energy called?

These are called Solar Flares .

What are some ideas on making a solar energy project?

well depends on how big the project is you could build solar panels on a roof or something or you could just make a solar powered ipod or fan

Is the solar-system the biggest?

a solar system is quite big but if u look at the big picture u see that there are many bigger things some stars, nebulas, galaxies, black holes, and of course the universe

What does solar energy look like?

it looks like a big mirror

What does the energy that powers photosynthesis come from?

Solar....... The sun.......that big yellow thing.

How do you change chemical energy into solar energy?

You can't. "Solar energy" is also a wrongful term . . . the energy that comes from Sol, our sun, is the energy derived from nuclear fusion in Sol, our sun. In fact, it is this tremendous energy that keeps the sun big and ball-shaped.

How solar energy is the ultimate source of energy?

Cosmologists are well agreed that the power in the Universe was released in the form of the Big Bang, an event which created all of both the material and the energy which are in our Universe. According to recent measurements, the Big Bang occurred 13.75 billion years ago, so that is the current age of our Universe. Since everything in our Universe, both material and energy, was created by the Big Bang, the energy of all of the stars in our Universe originated in the Big Bang or grew from matter created and dispersed in the Big Bang. Each star is the energy source for that star's system. Thus, the sun, our Sun, is the energy source for our solar system. The solar radiation which comes to earth from our Sun is the source of all of our energy. The changing heating from the Sun creates wind. Solar radiation is converted to other forms by plants and microorganisms. Gravity from the Sun and Moon create the tides. A form of energy on earth which is not Sun related is the radioactive elements in the earth, but these are Big Bang related and related to other suns where these chemicals, such as radium and uranium, were formed. The kinetic and gravitational energy of the bodies in our solar system is Big Bang related. The inhabitants of earth are really only aware of energy in our solar system, in fact, mostly only energy which reaches our planet, so for us, the ultimate source of energy is our Sun. In the past, most of our energy needs have come from burning living or once living things created from sunlight, but our future will experience more energy from radioactive elements and quite possibly from the fusion of deuterium into helium.

An energy source that won't ever run out is called?

An energy source that never runs out would be called: Impossible. There is no such thing as an energy source that will never run out otherwise it would break the Laws of Thermodynamics and we would all be in big trouble. Renewable energy sources are based on things like wind power, solar power which we expect will last longer than the human species.

What supplies would you need to take to the moon?

Water, food, oxygen, heaters, and big solar panels for energy. You can probably find some more water (as ice) in some of the deeper polar craters. You should bring everything you need, as the only things that are plentiful on the Moon are rock and dust.

Quantity of solar energy received by earth?

The solar flux is 120,000 terrawatts. Multiply that by the number of seconds in a year to get the total number of joules of energy hitting the Earth each year. It's a big number. A very very big number!

Why is solar energy good to fossil fuels?

because solar energy is renewable (never gets used up), solar energy is energy from the sun, it will never run out....fossil fuels such as oil coal and gas are getting used up fast, they are non renewable and so it is a big using solar energy is good to fossil fuel because then the fossil fuels will not get used up.

What is Solar Energy?

Solar Energy is energy that comes from the sun. Solar energy is the radiant light and heat from the sun that has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever evolving technologies. Solar energy doesn't produce greenhouse gasses. Solar energy keeps the ocean from freezing and pushes the currents. Solar energy is necessary for plants to photosynthesize. Photosynthesis is when a plant makes food for itself using the sunlight its leaves collect. Without the energy of the sun we would be on a very cold planet. There would be no living things on Earth. Solar energy is the most powerful and abundant source of energy we have available to us today. For that matter, it will always be a limitless source of energy. The great thing is that solar energy is renewable. It doesn't matter how much we use, the same amount of energy is always available. Harnessing solar energy is the key. We can use its heat or convert its light to electricity. We now have technology to tap into solar energy in converting it to electrical energy. This is accomplished through solar panels which contain solar cells. The electrical energy is produced as direct current (DC). Often times, this is converted to Alternating Current (AC) voltage for home consumption. There is another type of solar panel through which water is circulated so the water is heated for domestic use. There are also large scale uses. A good example from the California Mojave Desert can explain one method of how solar energy can be used in creating electricity. In the solar power plant, curved mirrors are used with running pipelines at their foci. The mirror focuses on the pipeline so that the heat it receives heats the pipe as well. This pipe gets so hot that the oil it contains can heat water and turn it into steam and the steam can be used in moving a turbine to create electricity. The solar power plants use a lot of mirrors above the pipelines to get heat and then create electricity. Solar energy is a big solar panel that sits where the sun is beating down and the panel collects heat by having wire connected to the panel and the heat from the sun goes to the panel, to the wires, and into a machine that holds the heat. Solar energy simply means energy that comes from the Sun. Another term for solar energy is solar