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Aggressive brushing, periodontal diseases, genetic prevalence, use of Tobacco products, clenching and grinding of the teeth are all causes for receding gums. Receding gums can also be caused by piercing in the mouth area or by crooked teeth.

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Q: What are some causes for receding gums?
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At what age do you usually get receding gums?

Why would a healthy person get receding gums at any age?

What are some symptoms of gum disease?

There are several symptoms of gum disease. These include bad breath, your gums appearing red or puffy, your gums receding and your gums bleeding while brushing or flossing.

What are the most common causes of bleeding gums?

Some of the most common causes of bleeding gums is lack of flossing and gingivitis.

Teeth receding from a permanent bridge making teeth loose?

Periodontal disease: Bacteria that lives in your mouth, sticks to the teeth and under the gums as dental plaque. This causes inflammation in the gums. If this happens for a long time, the gum and bone underneath recedes away.

What are common symptoms of teeth disease in babies?

Some of the common symptoms for gum disease are bad breath, red or swollen gums, tender or bleeding gums, painful chewing, loose teeth, sensitive teeth, receding gums or longer appearing teeth.

What are the known causes of a receding hairline?

stress, heredity

Malnutrition causes what problems to your gums?

The gums bleed easily.

What health hazards can Tongue piercings cause?

* Infection * Chipped Teeth * Difficulty Eating * Pain * Swelling * Receding Gums * Loose Teeth

What are the causes for male receding hairline?

Genetics is the main cause of a receding hairline in men. Your mother or father can have the gene that causes hair loss. Dihydrotesosterone, which is a substance derivative of androgen, is what is passed on from generation to generation.

What causes black gums in humans?


What causes sensitive gums?

depression of the mouth

How can periodontal disease be stopped in its early stage?

In the very earliest stages, flossing and use of dental sticks allow for cleaning the contact areas (beween teeth) and stimulating the gums (in order to prevent receding gums and advancement of periodontal disease).