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Q: What are some causes of ovarian pain?
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What can cause Continued pain 8 weeks after ovarian cystectomy and salpingectomy?

Continued pain 8 weeks after an ovarian cystectomy and salpingectomy can have various causes. Two examples that can cause continued pain are the formation of another ovarian cyst or a hematoma.

Wondering if anyone can help me Does ovarian cyst cause pregnancy like symptoms?

An ovarian cyst causes sharp pain in your abdomen, lower back, as well as rib cage. Answer No, it causes cramps.

What are some symptoms of ovarian cysts?

Some symptoms of ovarian cysts are lower abdominal pain, irregular menstrual periods, pressure and pain in the abdomen, and long term pelvic pain during menstrual period.

What are some of the warning signs of ovarian cancer?

Some of the warning signs of ovarian cancer include abdominal pain, drastic weight loss, bloating, lack of energy, pelvic discomfort and pain, as well as thyroid problems.

What are the symptoms of ovarian pain and how do I know that is what it is?

Common ovarian pain symptoms are irregular menstrual periods, vomiting/nausea, and bloating. WebMD is an excellent resource for finding out more information about ovarian pain and how to identify it.

Is hpv related to ovarian cancer?

There is no evidence that HPV causes ovarian cancer.

What is the cause of left ovary pain?

According to medical studies, one of the major causes that has been found out for left ovary pain is cysts formation in the left ovary. Studies showed that a percentage of 95 ovarian cysts are benign, which means patients need not worry at an early stage. But if the pain gets bad and intolerable and patients feel pain often, this can indicate the cysts are malignant. Apart from this, there are some causes which are rare such as the patients may experience left ovarian pain due to hemorrhage in left ovary. This can be mainly caused by egg donation or previous surgeries. Hope this helps.

What causes ovarian pain?

Ovarian pain can be caused by many things. Among them are ovulation (mittelschmertz), ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and ectopic pregnancy. It's best to see your doctor to rule out the more serious possibilities.

Why do you suffer from left ovarian pain and lower abdominal pain specially 1 week before your menstruation?

It could be ovarian cysts, but it's probably just ovulation that you're feeling pain from.

What are the symptoms of an ovarian tumor?

Your sister could have it. Some symptoms of ovarian tumors are pain or bloating in the abdomen difficulty urinating/frequent need to urinate, or dull ache in the lower back.

Can Ovarian cancer cause right lower back and sciatic pain?

Sciatica and lower back pain are one of the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer. This is a symptom that is often overlooked by many women.

Is stomach pain a symptom of ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts are associated with a variety of symptoms, although sometimes ovarian cysts do not cause symptoms. Stomach pain such as swelling, pressure, or pain in the abdomen, can be present. Other symptoms include pelvic pain, dull back ache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, or difficulty fully urinating.