

What are some characteristic of sound energy?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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The main characteristics of sound are frequency, amplitude and wave length

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Q: What are some characteristic of sound energy?
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What are some questions that you can ask for sound energy?

How does sound energy travel through different mediums? Can sound energy be harnessed to produce electricity? What are some examples of everyday objects that convert sound energy into mechanical energy? How does the frequency of sound waves affect their energy?

What characteristic of sound determines how far it can travel before dying out?

The characteristic of sound that determines how far it can travel before dying out is its intensity or amplitude. Sound waves with higher intensity can travel further before their energy is dissipated and they become too weak to be detected.

What are some uses of sound energy?

sound energy is produced by a guitar that is plucked....:)

What are some indicators of sound energy?

Some indicators of sound energy are the intensity or loudness of the sound, the frequency or pitch of the sound, and the duration or how long the sound lasts. Sound energy is a type of kinetic energy produced by vibrations traveling through a medium, such as air or water.

What is the energy input and output where does the energy go to for the person blowing a vuvuzela?

The energy input comes from the person blowing into the vuvuzela, converting their breath into sound energy. The energy output is in the form of sound waves produced by the vibrating air column inside the vuvuzela. The energy is mainly dispersed as sound waves that propagate outward from the vuvuzela, creating the characteristic loud noise.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a sound wave?

It is also known as a compression wave

How is sound energy used in the aerospace and automotive industries?

rockets and some cars are propelled by sound energy.

What are some interesting facts about sound energy?

sound energy require some kind of material to travel through and they cant move through a vaccum

A computer turns electrical energy into what?

light, sound and some heat energy

Why is the heart makes sounds?

The heart is not a perfect system and some energy dissipates in the form of sound energy. It is similar to light bulb not converting 100% energy to light; e.g. some of the energy is lost as heat and sound.

What characteristic of light is based on the fact that light waves do not need matter to transmit energy?

The characteristic of light based on the fact that light waves do not need matter to transmit energy is its ability to travel through a vacuum. Light can propagate in empty space, unlike sound waves which require a medium such as air to transmit energy.

Does a light bulb give out heat and sound energy?

A light bulb primarily gives out heat energy through the process of converting electrical energy into light and heat. It does not produce sound energy unless there is a defect that causes it to make noise, which is not a normal characteristic of functioning light bulbs.