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short with flowers

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Q: What are some characteristics of a short plant with flowers?
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Do some alien races have plant-based characteristics?

No evidence has proven that alien races exist, but if they do they may have plant-based characteristics (i.e. trees, flowers, cacti, etc.).

Why can't you always identify plants from their flowers?

because there is only a short period of time when the plant is in flower and some plants produce different colored flowers

What are some characteristics and adaptations of flowers pollinated by beetles?

plants with sticky stamen, flowers have nectories

Is an oak tree a plant?

no some oak trees have flowers on them

What are some characteristics of tulips?

there color and smell is diffrent from certain other flowers.

Is grass and flowers considered a plant?

No, flowers are a parts of a plant. Some plants don't have flowers, but all flowers come from plants.

What are the characteristics of lilacs?

Some characteristics of lilacs include long, cone-shaped panicles that are covered in tubular tiny flowers and and flagship purple flowers. You can learn more about this flower at the Wikipedia.

What are some characteristics of plant.?

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What are some flowers that begin with U?

Umbrella plant, urginea and ursinia are flowers. They begin with the letter U.

Why are some flowers tall and some short?

It is because of it's genetic. Every type animals and plants has it's own unique combination of genetic. So some flowers are tall and some short due to this reason.

What are some characteristics of pteridophytes?

PteridophytesPteridophytes are vascular plants, with no flowers and no seeds.(eg. Ferns)

Some inherited characteristics of an animal or plant?

opposable thumbs!