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they have scales

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7mo ago

Some characteristics of reptiles include having scaly skin, being cold-blooded, laying amniotic eggs, having a three-chambered heart, and being predominantly terrestrial. They also typically have claws, scales, and breathe with lungs. Reptiles have adapted to various environments and exhibit a wide range of sizes and physical features.

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Q: What are some characteristics of reptiles?
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What are the basic characteristics of reptiles?

Reptiles have scaly skin

What are characteristics of reptiles?

Some characteristics of reptiles are, They have backbones or vertebrae, they are cold blooded, they have thick protective scales and lay eggs. All reptiles breathe air from their lungs. They have 3 heart chambers. Some examples include lizards, snakes, crocodiles and alligators

Are all dinosaurs reptiles?

All reptiles are diapsids. Mammals (like you and I) are, in contrast, synapsids. So in that respect all reptiles are alike. However, I would not say they were all alike. Snakes are reptiles but lack limbs. Alligators are also reptiles, as are lizards. Tuatara, gavials, amphisbaenids, and tortoises each represent one of the four main modern orders of reptiles. They share some characteristics--just as you and I do, but I would not say they were all alike.

3 characteristics of reptiles?

Reptiles, fish, and amphibians mostly all have eyes. For the most part they have structures with which to move and most have blood to bring oxygen to organs.

What is a diapsidian?

A diapsidian is an animal with two openings in its skull. This is a technical description of the evolutionary modification in reptiles that occurred about 300m years ago splitting them from more primitive mammals. Modern diapsidians include snakes, lizards and crocodiles. Turtles are an example of reptiles that are not diapsidians. Some say birds should also be included a Diapsidians because they evolved from reptiles that shared characteristics with lizards.

Related questions

What are some reptiles characteristics?

they have scales

What are the basic characteristics of reptiles?

Reptiles have scaly skin

What are characteristics of reptiles?

Some characteristics of reptiles are, They have backbones or vertebrae, they are cold blooded, they have thick protective scales and lay eggs. All reptiles breathe air from their lungs. They have 3 heart chambers. Some examples include lizards, snakes, crocodiles and alligators

What two characteristics of reptiles?

Cold Blooded, Offspring come from eggs, scales, and in some species webbed feet

Do some alien races have animal characteristics?

Yes. Some alien races have animal characteristics (i.e. mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, arachnids, gastropods, reptomammals, reptavians, crustaceans, avians, mammavians, etc.).

What characteristics are common to both birds and reptiles?

Lay eggs

Are birds and fish reptiles?

No. Birds, fish and reptiles are each a classification of "vertebrates" of their own. They all have quite different characteristics.

Which characteristics of birds make them different from reptiles?

Birds are warm-blooded.

Do some reptiles have gills?

Yes some reptiles do have gills.

Are reptiles vertebrates or invertibrates?

well,some reptiles do some don't but in the record there are more reptiles that have backbones

Are all raptiles the same?

All reptiles have some of the same characteristics, but all are different in their own ways. The characteristics they share is that they are cold blooded. This means that they do not have an internal heating system that raises their body temp, so they must sit in a warm spot to get warm. They also have scales, not skin. All reptiles lay eggs.

Are all dinosaurs reptiles?

All reptiles are diapsids. Mammals (like you and I) are, in contrast, synapsids. So in that respect all reptiles are alike. However, I would not say they were all alike. Snakes are reptiles but lack limbs. Alligators are also reptiles, as are lizards. Tuatara, gavials, amphisbaenids, and tortoises each represent one of the four main modern orders of reptiles. They share some characteristics--just as you and I do, but I would not say they were all alike.