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Q: What are some charities that Ellen Ochoa donated to?
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What are some charities to donation?

He donated millions of dollars to kids with addict parents.

What are some accomplishments of Ellen DeGeneres?

She has donated lots of money to the ASPCA and has her own brand of dog food.

What can you do with your old iPhone 3?

Old phones can be donated to charities. Some people like to keep them as a spare phone, or as a game phone.

How much does Ellen degeneres give to charity?

How much does Ellen personally give to charity annually ?

What charities did john d Rockefeller donate to?

John D. Rockefeller donated to various charities and causes throughout his lifetime, with a focus on education, public health, and science. Some of the organizations he supported include The Rockefeller Foundation, The University of Chicago, and Spelman College.

Are there any charities that collect school text books?

Yes! infact there are several charities that donate directly to poor people and if books are donated they use them for schools that are opened for the benefit of poor people all around the world. Some of these charities include vinnies, home charity buisness and donation helps.

What is a sentence for charities?

The word charity means someone that is not well, or is desperate for something. Like children in hospitals. They are considered charity. A exsample sentence for the word charity is; The girl donated most of her money to charity. I had this word on my spelling homework, i . Please do not copy this sentence. it is just a exsample.

Is Ryan Ochoa related to Ellen Ochoa?

no because some people have same last names but are NOT related

Who are some Mexican-american scientist?

These are many Mexican-American scientists. Some of these include Luis Walter Alvarez, Franklin Chang-Diaz, Mario Molina, Ellen Ochoa, and Carlos Noriega.

Who are some Hispanic inventors?

Some famous Hispanic inventors include Pedro Flores, Ellen Ochoa, and Carlos Finlay. Luis Federico is another famous Hispanic inventor. He won a Nobel prize.

Where does Ellen live?

The last I knew she lived in Idaho. I had a friend about 10 years back that would stay with her and her husband while he did summer theater in Couer d'Alene. (i'm sure i spelled that wrong). Unless he was fibbing to me and I was talking to some other "Ellen" when I called him, that's where she lived.

What are some charities the goo goo dolls work with?

The Goo Goo Dolls work with Harvesters. They ask their fans to bring at least two cans of food with them to the concerts and all food collected is donated to Harvesters.