

What are some chemical properties for neptunium?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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- valences of neptunium: 3 to 7
- Pauling reactivity: 1,36
- as a powder is pyrophoric
- can react with the majority of non metals
- react with acids
- it is easily oxidized

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Q: What are some chemical properties for neptunium?
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The chemical symbol of neptunium is Np.

Is neptunium an element?

Yes, neptunium is an artificial chemical element.

Is neptunium natural?

Neptunium is a man made chemical element.

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Neptunium, with the chemical symbol Np, is the chemical element with the atomic number 93.

What are chemical properties of neptunium?

- Pauling electronegativity: 1,38- valences: 3 to 7- is pyrophoric- has 4 allotropes- reacts with acids- react with nonmetals

What are the chemical properties of neptunium?

- Pauling electronegativity: 1,38- valences: 3 to 7- is pyrophoric- has 4 allotropes- reacts with acids- react with nonmetals

How abundant is neptunium?

Neptunium is an artificial chemical element; in the nature infinitesimal amounts of neptunium are possible in uranium ores.

What is the chemical symbol for Neptunium?

Electron configuration of neptunium: [Rn]7s26d15f4

What are some physical properties of neptunium?

Heavy, radioactive silvery metal. See link below

Chemical symbol for neptunium?


Is neptunium an element compound homotegneous mixture heterogeneous mixture?

Neptunium is a chemical element.

Why is Neptunium called Neptunium?

The name of the chemical element is derived from the name of the planet Neptune.