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DNA can be used to match two species and determine if they are related or share a common ancestor. In addition, the existence of DNA itself is proof for evolution on a large scale - virtually all organisms share the same nucleic acid as the genetic code, leading scientists to the conclusion that all species shared a common ancestor at one time.

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Q: What are some clues scientists use as evidencece for evolution?
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What evidence do the scientists have to support the idea that continents were once a large landmass?

The evidence scientists have are fossil clues, plant clues, climate clues and rock clues. Fossil clues supported the idea because a certain fossil the Mesosaurus was found in two continents on opposite sides of the Earth and the only reason for that is if the lands came together at one time. Plant clues support the idea the same way fossil clues do, like the plant called a Glossopteris was found in different areas around the world. Climate clues support the idea because some of the fossils and plants from warmer climates were found in the Arctic. That explains why there are glaciers in tropical areas. Lastly rock clues support the idea because if the continents were once connected at one time, then the rocks that made up the continents should be in the same locations where they were joined.

Why did Copernicus keep his theory quiet and not publish them?

I think we get this wrong from simplifying history. Copernicus' theories and observations of other scientists had been common knowledge for some time. The scientists communicated with one another. Even the ancients had some clues or knowledge of the heliocentricity of our solar system. However, in 1633 some 160 years after Copernicus was born, Galileo was persecuted by the Church more for petty political reasons than for his totally old had idea about the Sun being the centre of the solar system.

Who are some foreign and local scientists and their contributions?

Though it is impossible to know what scientists would be foreign or local, some well known scientists are: Aristotle :Father of biology Schwann:Modern Theory of Cell

Do scientist believe there is life on mars?

Scientists now know that there is life on Mars! They have found bacteria, which is microscopic life. they have also found ice, real frozen water, not dust and rock combined. they have also found waterways or canals where water use to flow. Many scientists are thinking that millions of craters at once hit Mars destroying all of the life, leaving some clues that there was life sent by the satellites and rovers.

Who are some famous assamese scientists?


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What do evolutionists say about evolution?

Numerous things. Perhaps a search in Google Scholar with the key word "evolution" will tell you something about some of the things that scientists have to say about evolution.

Are all scientists who believe that evolution is correct atheists?

No, some actually profess faith even despite the truth. That is fine.

What are some problems in the theory of evolution?

There aren't any problems in evolutionary theory. However, there are enough unanswered question remaining in evolution to keep scientists busy for centuries to come.

Is evolution atheistic?

AnswerNo, evolution is science. If scientists wish to hold religious beliefs they are free to do so - in fact there are some scientists who are Christians. AnswerCertainly not. Evolution believers can be christain, they can be anyone. Some throw words like "atheist" and "antichrist" or phrases like "you will go to hell" because of a threat to their beliefs. No one likes to be threatened. Religion is what some people hold on to, just as science and reason is sometimes what people hold to.

what scientists have studied evolution and what did they discover?

scientists study a lot about evolution. its a difficult job to do so they divide it to several types and study it individually. though several years of reserch they revealed a tons of detail about genes... hereditary dieseases . the do find out that some dieseases is transferred from a persona from their ancesters

Who are the people study about evolution?

Biologists, paleontologists, geneticists, and anthropologists are some of the scientists who study evolution. They analyze fossils, genetic data, and comparative anatomy to understand how species evolved over time. The theory of evolution was proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, and his ideas laid the foundation for the study of evolution.

What proof is there for human evolution?

Well scientists believe that we evolved from the Apes, think of the era of the cave men that might give you some idea of what i mean.

What evidence do the scientists have to support the idea that continents were once a large landmass?

The evidence scientists have are fossil clues, plant clues, climate clues and rock clues. Fossil clues supported the idea because a certain fossil the Mesosaurus was found in two continents on opposite sides of the Earth and the only reason for that is if the lands came together at one time. Plant clues support the idea the same way fossil clues do, like the plant called a Glossopteris was found in different areas around the world. Climate clues support the idea because some of the fossils and plants from warmer climates were found in the Arctic. That explains why there are glaciers in tropical areas. Lastly rock clues support the idea because if the continents were once connected at one time, then the rocks that made up the continents should be in the same locations where they were joined.

How long ago do scientists believe chemical evolution occured?

Some time after the first stars lit off, so about 13.5 billion years ago.

Why science based on superstitious beliefs?

Science is generally based on facts, so superstition is the last thing scientists care about. Some people do consider evolution to be a superstitious belief, and even the first evolution textbooks said to take the content of the book with faith.

How have you gathered so much information about the different stages in the evolution of the horse?

People have gathered extensive information on horse evolution due to the discovery of some many variations of the horse skeleton. The skeleton will tell Archaeologists and scientists almost exactly what the animal was like.

Why are scientists more reluctant to accept Charles Darwin's theory?

Scientists were having the same problem that Darwin thought would happen. In Darwin's mind his theory took away the need for a God. Darwin's theory of evolution challenged both the Religious and the science community. Some scientists still have the same shallow mind that other scientists had during Darwin's time.