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Some common cloud formations include the cirrus, cirrocumulus, altocumulus, altostratus, cumulonimbus, stratocumulus, stratus, and cumulus. There are many other types as well.

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Q: What are some common cloud formations?
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What are cirrus mare tails?

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What is the formation of a cloud a direct result of?

Cloud formations are the direct result of high and low pressure systems colliding and forming condensation (the cloud).

What kind of cloud formations will you see during flood?

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What aspects of weather have meteorologist tried to control?

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Why is cloud formation an important process in sustaining violent storms?

Cloud formation is what fuels and sustains violent storms. Without these cloud formations the storms would not be anywhere near as strong as they are.

Does the temperature change cloud formations?

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What are some common classifications of cloud types?

Some common classification of cloud types are cummulus, status, cirrus and nimbus. In their respective order, the meanings of them are : heap, layer, curl of hair and rain.

What is the importance of studying cloud formations?

Clouds form based on weather conditions, so studying the formations lets us know what the weather is like and how it's probably going to change.

What kind of cloud formations will you see during lightning?

Cumulonimbus. big billowing clouds that look like mushrooms.

How do you tell if a huge thunderstorm is coming your way?

Either when the weather channel shows a large cloud mass that says thunderstorm, you see thunderheads (cloud formations), there are lots of signs. You can get more from the internet.