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The main symptoms of whiplash are neck and back aches, headaches, shoulder pain, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and arm and jaw pains. There are less common symptoms in the most severe cases. These include depression and anger.

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Q: What are some common symptoms for whiplash injuries?
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What are some whiplash symptoms?

Whiplash is most common in car accidents. It is caused by the sudden wrenching of the neck. Initial symptoms include soreness, sudden sharp pains, and slight bruising.

How many people had a whiplash injury this year?

The estimated rate of whiplash injuries is 3.8 per thousand of population. Between treatment and loss of earnings, whiplash injuries cost the US some 30 billion dollars annually.

How do some whiplash injuries cause death?

The dens of the axis may be driven into the medulla oblongata of the brain

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One of the injuries caused at Six Flags is Whiplash caused by a fast stop of a ride or when it boomerangs you and if it stops in midair.

What are some common auto injuries when someone is rear ended?

When someone is in a car accident where they are "rear-ended" they can suffer injuries due to the sudden impact of another car hitting the back of their car. Whiplash is a common injury following this type of collision. Depending upon the rate of impact, brain injury, broken bones, and concussion can also occur.

How does a soft cervical collar treat whiplash?

A soft cervical collar may provide some relief for symptoms of whiplash for 2 or 3 weeks, if used longer muscle flexibility and strength could be inhibited.

What are some common injuries resulting from an auto crash?

The injuries from a car crash can depend upon how the impact occurs. If you are in a frontal collision inside a passenger car, common injuries can vary from minor issues such as small cuts and bruising to serious injuries such as bone fractures, concussion and crush injuries. It is more likely that the driver in this type of a crash will be injured due to the chest of the driver impacting the steering wheel. If the vehicle impacts at speed and a seat belt is worn then there may be some serious bruising across the chest. If the vehicle is hit from behind the passengers in the vehicle won't suffer injuries quite as serious and commonly include injuries such as minor bruising and whiplash.

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Some common injuries with archery sporting goods are shoulder including rotator cuff, elbow injuries, wrist injuries, back, forearm and finger injuries.

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Some common automobile accident injuries include broken bones, fractured bones, lacerations, internal injuries, spine, neck, and back injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.

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Some common firefighting injuries would be knee/ankle problems, back problems, and shoulder problems.

What are some common football injuries?

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