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Orchitis is the inflammation of one or both testicles. The symptoms include swelling of the testicles, pain in the region, pain when sitting, nausea and possibly fever.

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Q: What are some common symptoms of orchitis?
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What is the treatment for orchitis?

Elevation and support of the scrotum, and the application of cold packs to the groin area give some relief from the pain of orchitis. Medication for pain such as codeine and meperidine may be given. Only the symptoms of viral mumps orchitis.

What are the symptoms of orchitis?

Symptoms of orchitis include swelling of one or both testicles, tenderness in the groin area, fever, headache, and nausea. Symptoms may also include bloody discharge from the penis, and pain during urination, intercourse, or ejaculation.

Does orchitis cause infertility?

Viral mumps is the most common cause of orchitis. Bacterial infections associated with the disorder are tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. A mechanical injury to the groin area may also cause orchitis.

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How do mumps causes orchitis?

i think its because the same virus that can cause mumps can cause orchitis too

What are some symptoms of osteomyelitis?

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A 10 year old boy who appears ill develop orchitis The most likely explantion for this is?

Man at any age can get orchitis , if the bacteria went into the testilce , the inflammation is cuased . Maybe some one will say that the ten year old boy has not have a mature testicle , but , it does not mean that they can not get the ortchitis . Bacterial orchitis is a disease which reflect swelling, edema, necrosis and bleeding of the spermaduct caused by bacteria infection.Most often, bacterial orchitis is the result of epididymitis. It is an inflammation of the coiled tube that connects the spermaduct and the testicle. The spermaduct carries sperm from your testicles. When inflammation in the epididymis spreads to the testicle, the resulting condition is known as epididymo-orchitis. Often the cause of the infection is a sexually transmitted disease (STD), particularly gonorrhea or chlamydia. Other causes of infection may be related to having been born with abnormalities in your urinary tract or having had a catheter or medical instruments inserted into your penis. Orchitis symptoms usually develop suddenly. Orchitis symptoms may include: Testicular swelling on one or both sides Pain ranging from mild to severe Tenderness in one or both testicles, which may last for weeks Nausea Fever Discharge from penis If the boy has some of these symptoms , that means that he has got this disease . The advantage of traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is that it is of no drug resistance, capable of killing various bacteria, viruses and pathogens and curing prostatitis in a few days radically. It can help the males to cure this inflammation and disease .