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Many funeral arrangements are fanned out or "sprays" so this takes some taller flowers like gladiolus. Here is a site with some other funeral arrangement specifics on it:

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Q: What are some commonely used funeral flowers?
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What are some good sympathy flowers?

A typical flower used for respect at a funeral is a red rose although other flowers are also used and depending on the cause for the sympathy, many different flowers may work.

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Prior to the use of embalming chemicals in corpses, flowers at funerals were used to help mask the odors from the decaying body. After the use of embalming chemicals became common, the use of flowers became tradition and symbolizes condolences, respect and affection for the deceased person(s).

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Flowers should not be sent to a Hindu funeral. If a friend wishes to send flowers, it is best to send them after the funeral and cremation, so they are not part of the ceremony. Hindis' use Tulsi, a relative of Basil at the funeral. This is used to pass health benefits on to the dead before their next life begins. The lotus is an important and sacred flower and it is linked to good health and virility. Family members may place lotus flowers and Tulsi over the body of the deceased.

What flower color is used for British funeral?

Normally red or white roses or carnations or even both flowers and both colours.

Do you send flowers to a Muslim funeral?

In Indian culture, flowers are considered to mostly symbolize happiness and celebration for which reason flowers would not be sent to a Sikh funeral. (Though flowers may be used to make a garland for the deceased's body and/or picture of the deceased, it would be better to send flowers for that purpose and to let the family take care of that).

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What sort of flower types are often used at a funeral?

I think that lillies are very beautiful and symbolise purity and innocence. If not, just find a flower that means something to either you or them. I'm sure it will be appreciated. Floral tributes are a key aspect of a funeral. It is wise to choose flowers that do convey some meaning as well as adding some aesthetic enhancement. Lilies are popular, as are roses and carnations. You should also think about colors as these are symbolic too. There is a distinct difference between funeral flowers, which are the displays that are specifically arranged to accompany the funeral service, and sympathy flowers that are generally sent to the home of the bereaved. If you are sending flowers to a funeral it is also wise to check with the family and/or funeral home first as what is considered appropriate. You don't want to send something that conflicts with the family's arrangements.

Are flowers sent for a funeral in Japan?

I don:t know about Japan but do know some cultures do not use them. the French, for some odd reason do not use Wreaths or Bells- On Christmas Cards, as they consider these mournful symbols - two swinging bells at angle are , however used for New Year"s day- with the caption equivalent of ( Best wishes). There are some cultures which do not use flowers for funerary purposes.

What funeral home did hector lavoe's funeral?

The Funeral Home they used for Hector Lavoe's Funeral was the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home in Manhattan. The same one used for Celia Cruz.

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What color of flowers should be used for a member of the US Navy funeral?

If it is a military funeral, the traditional color scheme is red, white, and blue to represent the flag they were dedicated to. The classic flower theme would include carnations, gladiolas, snapdragon, roses, lilies, and chrysanthemums.