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The biggest one was auscwitz in the city of osweicim there was also Bergen Belsen berkenau Dachau and many many other murder traps who's names escape me

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Q: What are some concentration camps that people were sent to?
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What are some of the things that happened to people during the Holocaust?

They would have been killed treated inhumane or sent to concentration camps.

What type of prisoners were in the early concentration camps in Germany?

The earliest Nazi concentration camps were intended mainly for: * Communists * Social Democrats * Labour leaders * Dissidents * People against whom influential Nazis had a grudge Some Jews were also sent to concentration camps in 1933-34.

Did people that were hiding in the Holocaust die?

Some of the people that were hiding in the Holocaust died, while others were sent to concentration camps. Though brutal, some Jews survived.

Did the Nazis send the Russians to concentration camps?

Yes, during the leadership of the"Fuhrer" some Russians were sent to concentration camps if they protested or disagreed to the made decisions. but mostly the punished people were Jew.

Why did concentration camps exist?

they were created so jews could be sent there to "work". at the camps some jews were got sent to the gas chamber others died of starvation.

What Jews were not sent to concentration camps?

Some didn't get caught. Others were hidden by brave people that defied the Nazis. Some were just shot and buried in in the woods.

What was it like for people in concentration camps set up in Britain?

There were no concentration camps in Britain. There's some confusion here.

What were examples of concentration camps?

what are some examples of concentration camps?

Was there still concentration camps after world war 2?

Yes, some people survived concentration camps. They are known as Holocaust Survivors. Some are even alive today, such as Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and author of his memoir Night.

In Nazi Germany were gay men sent to separate concentration camps from Jews?

Yes, is the simple answer. 'Gay men' in this case means those convicted of homosexual acts, this was a civil, domestic matter. Those convicted were sent to camps in Germany, like Dachau. Jews were sent to the east and when they were sent to camps they were most often in Poland. This does not exclude the issue that some Jews were sent to camps in Germany and some Homosexuals were sent to camps in Poland.

Describe the Nazi system of killing people in the concentration camps?

When trainloads of people were brought to the camps. They were evaluated for strength. IF they were not strong or of some use to the camp - they were sent into buildings for 'showers' At this time they would use gas to exterminate those that were 'not desirable'.

Did the concentration camp become death camps for the Jews?

The majority of the concentration camps established by the Nazis were designed and constructed to operate as efficient factories for the mass production of death. Those taken there, predominantly Jews, were enslaved, degraded, humiliated, starved, mutilated, tortured, violated, and killed. Millions arrived. Few departed.