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Q: What are some cons of secondary reinforcers?
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Primary reinforcers are related to as secondary reinforcers are related to learned behaviors?

# biological drives # social # imitation # genetic inheritance

What is pairing in psychology?

The combined use of primary and secondary reinforcers.

What is the difference between primary and secondary reinforcers?

Primary reinforcers satify biological needs which is crucial for survival. These can include food, water, shelter, safety.... Secondary reinforcers however are reinforcers which we have learnt to associate with satifying our biological needs. These can include money, praise, tokens.... Money can be used to buy food + water (we have learnt this through association! love zin xox

What is a secondary reinforcer?

Primary reinforcers are related to social life as secondary reinforces are related to learned behaviors?

What is secondary reinforcement?

Primary reinforcers are related to social life as secondary reinforces are related to learned behaviors?

What is the value of secondary reinforcers?

Secondary reinforcers are reinforcers that through classical conditioning or other such circumstance yield the same benefit to the individual as primary reinforcers. the benefit is that since the secondary reinforcer doesn't actually satisfy an innate drive or urge they tend to be cheaper and easier to administer than most primary reinforcers. For instance, in clicker training the sound of a click has been paired with praise or a treat, a click is a lot cheaper and a lot less time consuming to administer than praising or feeding an individual.

What is non-contingent reinforcement?

Non-contingent reinforcement refers to reinforcers that are presented freely with no required responses. Basically whether or not the responses occur, reinforcers will be delivered; opposed to contingent reinforcement where reinforcers are only given once the desired response has occurred.

What are some positive reinforcers?

Some positive reinforcements for a baby are, reading a book to them, hold them, feed them and makeing sure there takin care of

what are the two categories of reinforcers?

ionic and molecular

The psychic secretions that Pavlov initially considered an annoyance were?

Primary reinforcers

What are some cons of energy?

some cons are that yo mama is so fat

What is satiation of a reinforcer?

Satiation refers to how a reinforcer loses its effectiveness. For example, if someone is receiving chocolate as reinforcement, it is likely that after a time they will tire of it and no longer find it desirable. Satiation will occur if a reinforcer is given at too high a frequency, intensity or duration. Satiation tends to be linear - that is, a graph of the reinforcing effect of a stimulus against the amount of the stimulus will be a straight line falling off from left to right. There will be be a quantity of the stimulus greater than which it will start to function as a punisher. When satiation begins, the rate at which the desired behavior is displayed tapers off until it halts. This is very common with primary (or unconditioned) reinforcers such as food. Secondary (or conditioned) reinforcement such as activities, social opportunities, and learning activities tend to be more immune to satiation. General reinforcers such as money or praise - that is, secondary reinforcers that are associated with more than one primary reinforcer - are also resistant to satiation.