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There are different types of MRI devices, however, one of the biggest and most common things that would disqualify a patient getting an MRI would be metal in the body. Surgical pins, staples in the stomach and the like.

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Q: What are some contraindications for an MRI?
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Do you need an iv for a mri?

No. Some doctors will order MRI with contrast to facilitate better imaging of some body structures. It is not absolutely necessary to have an IV for an MRI but if your doctor believes it is beneficial to have a the MRI with contrast then it best to consent and have the IV.

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Do you say an MRI or a MRI?

an MRI

Do you say a MRI or an MRI?

an MRI

Can I train to become an MRI tech online?

Great question. I had some difficulty locating specific MRI tech programs online. That being said, you can take a radiology program with a major in MRI's. Most of the online programs ask that you have some experience in radiography before specializing in MRI's. However, DeVry does offer MRI tech classes online. You could start there. Good Luck.

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What is the definition of the word contraindications?

The meaning of "Contraindications" is when the carrying out of a procedure in medicine, or a drug being administered to someone in deemed inadvisable.

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embolism, fevel, lice, and contagious disease would all be absolute contraindications, while strains, sprains, broken bones, and open wounds would be local contraindications.

Are there any contraindications in using both homeopathy as well as drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist?

Never , But You can use one at a time that's good I am unaware of any contraindications to homeopathy, but it has not been proven effective. There are drugs a psychiatrist can prescribe that would have contraindications.

What do scientist use a MRI for?

they use an MRI to see someones organs with some kind of chemical Du didn't you pay attention to Seth Yoder

Why can't MRI scans help everyone?

If you have metal in your body you can not have an MRI Scan because the metal will not perform its job properly. Especially if the metal is magnetic, in which case the MRI can literally tear the object out of your body. Additionally there are some signatures that an MRI can't pick up and require a CT scan.