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Q: What are some cruelty that deaf people receive?
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Can deaf people read newspapers?

Yes, deaf people can read newspapers. They may rely on written text to access news and information, just like individuals who are hearing. Some may also use online news sources or receive news through sign language interpreters on television programs.

What does deaf mean?

Deaf is a word use for people that can not hear. Also many people may be partially deaf, which means they can hear some sounds but not clearly.

Why don't some people get affected by music?

Well, "Some people" are deaf.

How many deaf people live in the UK?

304000000.58673 people are deaf. partially deaf people are done in a % which accounts for the decimal place number

How do deaf people us nonverbal communication?

Deaf people communicate by sign language and all can lip read; some deaf people can talk or can't depending on the diagnosis from their doctor (these individuals would be classified as deaf and mute (can't speak.)

Is there any deaf soccer club in krugersdorp?

no but i know there is some deaf people in krugerdorp and if you are wanting to join then let me know and we will make a team of our own!i love soccer and its will be good for a deaf people!

Did the exploisiom of Krakatoa make people go deaf?

Some people. yes.

Why are cochlear implants controversial?

I'm not deaf but I am an asl student who has done research on CI in class and the options of deaf people. I have discovered that deaf people don't hate CIs necessarily but feel they strip people of who they are. They believe they aren't in the hearing or deaf world and struggle with who they are. A common arguement: "deaf people aren't broken, why try to fix us."

Where did animal cruelty start?

The main reason for animal cruelty is hunting and to make money. Some people is cruel to animals just for fun.

What are cruelty parties?

There are many different kinds of cruelty parties... Some involve people and others involve animals... please be more specific...

Is hearing a passive skill?

I guess,because there ARE some people who are deaf!

Why do deaf people ignore others?

Deaf people are no different than other people, except for the fact they can't hear. They don't ignore others on purpose anymore than anyone else. They are deaf and don't always know when they are being spoken to. Likewise, plenty of deaf folks believe that hearing people are ignoring them. A lot of people feel uncomfortable around deaf people since they cannot speak their language. The hearing people get in their groups and get to talking, and forget about those who cannot hear them. That is why there is even a bit of a deaf supremacy attitude in some deaf circles, because they feel excluded by those who can hear. Some take that attitude to a militant extreme, like the couple who wanted genetic engineering done to ensure they had a deaf child, and the deaf folks who consider people with cochlear implants to be sellouts.