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Q: What are some cultral traditions in Angola?
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The cultral of the Mayans was very hard for them

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Reggae incorporates some of the musical elements of rhythm and blues and jazz.

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yes i can noodles and other Chinese food are cultral features

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his work reflect on spanish cultaral traditions because he made painting that showed what happend in the spanish cultral tradition and it sowed a lt a bout the spanish culture like wht they wear and how they dance and en what were they lived at looked like

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The cultral of the Mayans was very hard for themMost consider the Ural mountains to divide Europe and Asia

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The phone number of the Rajkumari Cultral Center is: 718-846-5431.

What are some customs in Angola?

marta lutsik

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There are so many industries in Angola. The mining, manufacturing and processing industries are the major ones in Angola which thrives in exportation of coffee diamond and petroleum products.

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Which Angola? Angola the country is across the ocean in Africa. Otherwise you have Angola, Indiana; Angola, Kansas; Angola, New York; or Angola State Prison in Angola, Louisiana.

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some of there customs or traditions are paintings