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You should read Deuteronomy 18:9-13:

The Canaanites killed infants childern by burning them. This is the worst sin, to kill life that can't defend itself.

A practice to worship Moloch, Baal(s), and Asherah on the high places (same as in Ezekiel 23:36-39).



Communicating with the dead.

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Deuteronomy 18:9-13 warns against detestable practices such as divination, sorcery, interpreting omens, witchcraft, casting spells, consulting mediums, and seeking guidance from the dead. These practices are seen as an abomination to the Lord and are not to be practiced among the Israelites.

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What is the ruling on invoking the dead for help?

In Islam, it is not permissible to invoke the dead for help as this goes against the belief in the Oneness of Allah (Tawhid). Seeking help or assistance should be directed only to Allah as He is the only One who has power over all things.

What is the significance of Deuteronomy?

Deuteronomy is significant in the Bible as it contains the final speeches of Moses, outlining laws and regulations for the Israelites as they prepare to enter the promised land. It serves as a covenant renewal between God and His people, emphasizing obedience and faithfulness. Additionally, Deuteronomy addresses themes of faith, justice, and the importance of remembering God's faithfulness.

Who was the prophet who warned Queequeg and Ishmael about sailing on the Pequod?

The prophet who warned Queequeg and Ishmael about sailing on the Pequod was Elijah. He appears in Herman Melville's novel "Moby-Dick" and his warning sets an ominous tone for the characters' journey.

What was the judgment from god that Isaiah warned the proud woman of Jerusalem about?

Isaiah warned the proud woman of Jerusalem that God's judgment would be the destruction of her beauty and privilege, leading to humiliation and loss of status. This judgment was a consequence of her arrogance and lack of compassion towards the needy and oppressed.

What kind of worship does Amos criticize?

Amos criticizes the worship that is hypocritical, focused only on outward acts rather than inner faith, and that is disconnected from justice and righteousness in society. He rebukes those who participate in religious rituals while neglecting the needs of the marginalized and oppressed.

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George Washington believed that the American governments primary concentration stay on American interest. He warned the American people against permanent alliance, but he also advised for good relationships with other countries in which America could gain friendship and commerce. He warned against domestic affairs and interfering with European affairs. He even warned against Washington's public political address warned against foreign influence in domestic affairs and American meddling in European affairs. He warned America against a hostile partisanship. He was also the one to establish the presidency reign of two terms.

What issues did Washington believe were most dangerous to the future of the new nation?

George Washington believed that the American governments primary concentration stay on American interest. He warned the American people against permanent alliance, but he also advised for good relationships with other countries in which America could gain friendship and commerce. He warned against domestic affairs and interfering with European affairs. He even warned against Washington's public political address warned against foreign influence in domestic affairs and American meddling in European affairs. He warned America against a hostile partisanship. He was also the one to establish the presidency reign of two terms.

In Washington's farewell address he warned against this type of relations with foreign countries?

he warned not become involved with other countries

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