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Most of the products to combat excessive sweating are antipersperants or deoderants. There are also treatments like Botox which purport to inhibit the production of sweat in the area where they are applied.

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Q: What are some different products to help with excessive sweating?
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Related questions

How does deodorant help?

Deodorant helps the human body by aiding in the masking of body odors. It does not stop excessive sweating though. If you are suffering from hyperhidrosis, you need an antiperspirant. Doctors usually would prescribe Drysol for patients suffering from excessive sweating.

Have you a cure for excessive sweating?

For individuals suffering from excessive sweating, a commonly used remedy is the antiperspirant which often contain an aluminum based chemical formulation to help block the overactive sweat glands, preventing sweat from surfacing out. On the other hand, if you are suffering from excessive underarm sweating that cannot be controlled by antiperspirants, a doctor would recommend other treatments like oral medications, iontophoresis, botox or surgery as the next best alternative solutions to help control and prevent the heavy sweating.

How do minerals help in sports?

Minerals will help you stay healthy, and in "performance" shape

How can you keep from sweating when dancing?

Well, I'm a dancer, and I also have hyperhydrosis-excessive sweating. It is really hard to be a dancer with a sweating disorder, but there are things to help. I have a prescription to help withthat. But for a dancer, it is very normal to sweat. But if it is excessive like mine is, and it holds youback from doing certain steps (for example doing anything that requieres you to touch the floor or put your weight on your hands on the floor, or even partnering with a guy) than you might want to see a dermatologist.

When sweating will it help the process of crack cocaine get out of the body?

No, that's an entirely different process.

Which hormone limits sodium excretion in the urine to help maintain your electrolyte balances during excessive sweating?

Aldosterone is the hormone that limits sodium excretion in the urine. It is released by the adrenal glands in response to low blood pressure or low blood sodium levels. Aldosterone acts on the kidneys to increase the reabsorption of sodium and water, helping to maintain electrolyte balance during excessive sweating.

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What are some foods that may help with acid reflux?

Foods that will help with acid reflux are leafy green vegetables, whole grains, and lowfat dairy products. Avoid citrus fruits, tomatoes and products with excessive artificial flavors and or colors.

Do dairy products help produce excessive amounts of mucus?

No, that is a myth. Dairy products to not enhance mucus formation, but your saliva might be slightly thicker after drinking milk. This is natural and not related to mucus.

How does sweating help with thermoregulation?

figure it out yourself

What are the names of different Scarguard products?

The names of different Scarguard products include" Scarguard MD", "Scarlight" and "Bruiseguard MD". The products are recommended to help with scars after surgery.

Do the Valeo Neoprene Weight Lifting Gloves help with sweating?

They are well vented and terry lined to help absorb any sweating that may occur.