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potato spindle tuber disease

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Q: What are some diseases caused by viroids?
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Can viroids affect humans?

No, viroids do not infect or affect humans. They only infect plants, where they can cause diseases by interfering with the host plant's cellular processes.

What has been the most successful approach to controlling viral diseases?

Vaccination has been the most successful approach to controlling viral diseases.

How do viroids harm the plants that are infected with them?

the viroids harm the plants that are ifected with them by giving the plants some harmful thing

What are diseases caused by uncleanliness?

some diseases caused due to uncleanliness are malaria,dengue,cholera,flu etc

What are viroids and prions?

Viroids are small infectious agents composed of a single-stranded circular RNA that infect plants, causing diseases by disrupting normal cellular functions. Prions, on the other hand, are misfolded proteins that can induce normal proteins to misfold as well, leading to a variety of neurodegenerative diseases in animals, including humans. Both viroids and prions lack genetic material like DNA and rely on host cells for replication.

How are viroids and prions the same?

Both Viroids and Prions have nucleic acid, but Viroids have no outer protein coat.

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What are some causes for diseases?

Diseases are often caused by viruses and bacteria or genetic factors.

What are some diseases caused by rats?

Rat disease

What are some diseases caused from dust?

Cancer i think

What are some diseases caused by archaebacteria and eubacteria?

some disease caused by Bactria is what happened when you parents made you

Why is so little known about viroids?

Why is so little known about viroids