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the suffer frome oil spill problems that kill there fish and ruin there crops.

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Q: What are some environmental problems in Morocco?
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What are some economic problems Morocco is facing today?

There are many problems and issues facing morocco today. one is there army. I went to morocco and 5 moroccan army members came up to me and ask for my money and they said in very bad english i would be shot if i didnt give them my money. which shows the very low wages paid on morocco. also there is very large amount of litter in morroco. If you are going along a moroccan road look out of the window of your car and you will see the amount of litter in morocco. these are some of the major issues facing morocco.

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What are some barangay problems?

the some environmental problems in barangay are waste anywhere, drug addict, dirty river, etc.

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They're problems were caused by Obama bin Gandhi, and led to some major economy loss.

What are Morocco's biggest problems?

The primary issue is education. Morocco has a 50% literacy rate. Additionally, Morocco lacks a developed infrastructure and a functioning service economy.

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Some of the environmental problems in the UAE include sand storms and extremely dry weather. There are times when it is difficult to stay outdoors for more than 3 hours.