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magma and lava.

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Q: What are some examples of a molten rock?
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Related questions

What is an igneous rock and how does it form?

An igneous rock is a rock formed by the solidification of molten lava. some examples of this rock type are: Pumice, Obsidian, Basalt, Andesite, and Ryholite.

What rock form from molten?

Rocks formed from solidified molten rock are classified as igneous rock. Examples would be basalt, granite, gabbro, pumice, obsidian, and rhyolite.

What are examples of magma?

Magma is the molten rock material under the Earth's crust. Some examples of this are the lava that comes out of a volcano, as well as a mixture of water and salt particles.

What is a specific example of a rock formed by molten material cooling?

Granite, rhyolite, obsidian, basalt, pumice, gabbro, diorite; all examples of igneous rock that by definition forms from the cooling of molten rock.

What rock is formed by molten material?

a molten rock

What is the difference between molten and igneous rock?

Molten rock is still a liquid. Igneous rock is what is formed when molten rock solidifies.

What rock type forms from molten rock?

Igneous Rock comes from molten rock.

Where did molten rock come from?

Molten rock are come from volcanic in the past, or the lava chambers. Another call of molten rock are igneous rock.

What is the rock called that is formed from molten rock?

The rock formed from molten rock is IGNEOUS

What are some examples of rock types?

Igneous rocks - rocks formed from molten rock of the mantle Sedimentary rocks - rocks found in streams Metamorphic rocks - rocks changed by the effects of heat and pressure

What are some examples of liquid to solid?

molten lava to stone

What is the difference between lava and molten rock?

Molten rock may exist either on the surface or underground. It is only considered lava when it is at the surface. Underground molten rock is called magma.