

Best Answer

smooth muscles are muscles of internal organs of the body specially hollow organs liike that stomach,intestine,bile duct, uterus and oviducts
i smooth muscle, muscle tone is where the music is slightly tense ready and waiting to be use

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Q: What are some examples of a smooth muscle?
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What are examples of muscular system?

Some examples are smooth muscle and cardiac muscle.

What are 3 examples of muscle cells?

The three examples of muscle cells is the Cardiac mucsle, the Smooth muscle and the Skeletal muscle.

Give examples of three types of muscles?

Smooth Muscle, Cardiac Muscle, and Skeletal Muscle

What are features of smooth muscle?

some smooth muscles are in your body

Is the deltoid a skeletal muscle?

The deltoid is an example of skeletal muscle. Some examples of smooth muscle is the muscle lining the GI tract, blood vessels, and the muscles in your eyes that dilate or constrict your pupil. Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart.

What is the muscle that is found in the small intestine?

smooth musclesmooth muscle

What muscled are involuntary?

Involutary muscles are muscles that you can not control. Examples are smooth muscle (in the esophagus, iris, intestines, etc) and cardiac muscle.

What are some different types of muscles?

There are three muscle types, skeletal, smooth and cardiac. Skeletal and cardiac are both striated muscle, whereas smooth muscle is not.

Is an ulcer a cardiac muscle or a smooth muscle?

Smooth muscle

What are two exampels of involuntary muscels?

Involuntary muscles are muscles you can't control, there are two main types - smooth muscle (non-striated). examples of this include your gastrointestinal tract (oesophagus, stomach, colon), even your blood vessels have smooth muscle -cardiac muscle (your heart), a special type of smooth muscle

Which muscle tissue is involuntary and not striated?

SmoothI'm POSITIVE it's the Skeletal Muscle!

Is muscle cell is smooth when hungry?

No, "smooth" muscle is a type of muscle.