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A corm is a short, vertical, swollen underground plant stem that serves as a storage organ used by some plants to survive winter or other adverse conditions such as summer drought and heat (estivation). A corm consists of one or more internodes with at least one growing point, with protective leaves modified into skins or tunics. The thin tunic leaves are dry papery, dead petiole sheaths, formed from the leaves produced the year before, which act as a covering that protects the corm from insects and water loss. Internally a corm is mostly made of starch-containing parenchyma cells above a circular basal node that grows roots. Corms are not bulbs Corms are sometimes confused with true bulbs; they are often similar in appearance to bulbs externally, and thus erroneously called bulbs. Corms are stems that are internally structured with solid tissues, which distinguishes them from bulbs, which are mostly made up of layered fleshy scales that are modified leaves. As a result, when a corm is cut in half it is solid, but when a true bulb is cut in half it is made up of layers. Corms are structurally plant stems, with nodes and internodes with buds and produce adventitious roots. On the top of the corm, one or a few buds grow into shoots that produce normal leaves and flowers. Gladiolus corm, showing the formation of small cormels at the end of short stolons Cormels Corms can form many small cormlets called cormels, from the basal areas of the new growing corms, especially when the main growing point is damaged. They are used to propagate corm forming plants. Corms of a number of species of plants are replaced every year by the plant with growth of a new corm; this process starts after the shoot has developed fully expanded leaves. The new corm forms at the shoot base just above the old corm. As the new corm is growing, short stolons are produced that end with the newly growing small cormels. As the plants grow and flower, the old corm is used up and shrivels away. The new corm that replaces the old corm grows in size, especially after flowering is done. The old corm produces the greatest number of cormels when it is close to the soil surface. The small cormels normally take one or two more years of growth before they are large enough to flower. Corms can be dug up and used to propagate or redistribute the plant (see, for example, taro). Plants with corms can be propagated by cutting the corms into sections and replanting. Each section with a bud will generate a new corm. Roots Many corms produce two different types of roots. Those growing from the bottom of the corm are normal fibrous roots, they are formed as the shoots grow, and are produced from the basal area at the bottom of the corm. The second type of roots are thicker layered roots that form as the new corms are growing, they are called contractile roots and they pull the corm deeper into the soil. They are produced in response to fluctuating soil temperatures and light levels. Once the corm is deep enough within the soil where the temperature is more uniform and there is no light, the contractile roots no longer grow and the corm is no longer pulled deeper into the soil. [edit]Plants with corms Cultivated plants that form corms include: Arisaema Bessera Banana [1] Brodiaea Crocosmia Crocus Cyclamen Dichelostemma Dierama Eleocharis dulcis (Chinese water chestnut) Ensete spp. (enset) Freesia Gladiolus Iris some species. Konjac Liatris Milla Musa Montbretia Romulea Saffron Sagittaria spp. (arrowhead or wapatoo) Tecophilaea Taro Xanthosoma spp. (malanga, cocoyam, tannia, and other names)

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Gabi or taro stem.. :)

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bobo kayo

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What do lily pad seeds look like?

They don't reproduce by seeds. They are corms, or tubers, and reproduce by making new corms, or tubers.

How do gladiolus reproduce?

The gladiolus is an annual blooming plant that grows from an underground, bulbous structure called a corm. Each winter, the plant sheds its leaves and stems, then produces new ones in the spring from the corm as it comes out of winter. Corms serve the same purpose as a seed or bulb does. A corm is a structure with no actual layers. Corms tend to be smaller than ¾ in diameter; and those sized corms do not usually produce a flower. But the corms that are 1 and ¼ in diameter are found to be the normal size for flowering. If you want to insure that the corm you plant will grow flowers, it is recommended that you plant full and thick corms. Corms are round and fat. When planting corms they need to be planted six to eight inches apart from each other. They also they need to be inserted five inches into the ground and planted with the pointed side up. Gladiolus can reproduce by cross pollination between unisexual or imperfect flowers.

What corms Bulgaria's northern boundary with Romania?

This is the river Danube.

How do snowdrops reproduce?

The corms multiply and they also grow from seed.

Can corms be split before sowing?

if you are talking about the brown skin, yes

When can reserection lilies be transplanted?

You can, but it is a little trickier than some transplants. The corms are quite deep, 10 to 12" inches deep. It is best to wait until bloom season is done, then look for a place with heavy corm growth. You will dig down, and then carefully split some corms off of this clump. The foliage is likely to die off when it is transplanted, but as long as you were gentle with them, they will grow back.

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Why does my banana tree not have offsets or corms for propogation like it should?

It is a male plant

Are gladiolas toxic to people?

Yes. The corms have a greater concentration of the toxic substance, but both corms and leaves have some toxicity. Symptoms of poisoning would include gastro-intestinal symptoms.Another answer: Gladiolus is a 1 on the level of 1-10, 10 being deadly. foxglove and oleander are more harmful if concerned about human and pet health.