

What are some examples of different pathogens?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Pathogenic bacteria

Mycobacterium tuberculosis - tuberculosis (most common)

Shigella - food borne

Campylobacter - food borne

Salmonella - food borne

Clostridium tetani - causes tetanus (Gram-positive, obligate anaerobic bacterium )

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi - typhoid fever

Corynebacterium diphtheriae - diphtheria

Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum - syphilis

Mycobacterium leprae - leprosy

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Yes, pathogens can attack human tissue by invading and multiplying within the body, leading to infection and disease. They can disrupt normal cell functions, cause damage to tissues, and trigger the immune system response.

What are some diseases that are not cause by pathogens?

Diseases not caused by pathogens include genetic disorders, mutations in the cells, and other disorders not caused by viruses, bacteria, prions, micro organisms, etc. An example would be muscular dystrophy or even cancer, although many pathogens can increase the likely hood of cancer developing

Bacteria and viruses that cause disease are -?

Viruses and bacteria that cause disease are known as pathogens. Some examples are herpes simplex virus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

In Pathogens are agents that can cause some diseases.?

Yes, pathogens are agents capable of causing infections or some types of diseases. Pathogens are normally on our skin and any objects without causing problems. Not all pathogens succeed in their goal to find a host, but many pathogens do.

Why do microorganisms grow on your food?

Microorganisms grow on food because they need nutrients, moisture, and the right temperature to thrive. When these conditions are present, bacteria, mold, and yeast can multiply rapidly, leading to food spoilage. Proper food storage and handling can help prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms on food.

How can foreign materials enter the body?

Foreign materials can enter the body through various means, including inhalation (breathing in particles), ingestion (eating or drinking contaminated substances), injection (such as through wounds or medical procedures), and absorption through the skin or mucus membranes. Once inside, these materials can cause harm and trigger immune responses.