

What are some examples of distilation?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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13y ago

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distillation of water

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Q: What are some examples of distilation?
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Fractional distillation is used to convert rectified spirit into absolute alcohol. This process involves heating the rectified spirit to separate out the different components based on their boiling points, allowing for the collection of a higher percentage of pure alcohol.

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Distilation how do we know the water is pure?

Measuring the electrical resistivty of water we can evaluate the purity.

Why are fractional distilation useful?

This process helped us to separate ex-specially for crude oil.

What is azeotropic distilation?

Azeotropic distillation is any of a range of techniques used to break azeotropes in distillation

How the temperature change during the distilation process?

The temperature is slowly raised during the distillation process.