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Some ways in which partisans fought the Nazis were by trying to sabotage their intelligence gathering. They also used to get rid of their stocks of weaponry and ammunition.

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Q: What are some examples of how the partisans fought the Nazis?
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It is possible some African Americans were Nazis, just as it is possible some caucasian Americans were Nazis, but in general, African Americans were loyal Americans.

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Did intelligent Jews get gassed in the Holocaust?

All Jews regardless of any status, were killed by the Nazis, with no exceptions. Some were spared temporarily if they were able to be of some use to the Nazis, but in the end the Nazis wanted them all dead. ___ The fact that the Holocaust involved killing some highly qualified people didn't bother the Nazis in the least.

How many non Germans fought for the Nazis in World War 2?

0 Almost everyone in Germany was an member of the Nazi Party, Including people in the SS. __ Hard to say how many non-Germans were recruited, it's estimated about 360,000 joined the Nazi military. The Nazis successfully recruited in many of the countries. The Waffen SS created a foreing volunteer and conscript battallions that fought for the Germans. Usually the members were hard core anti-communist so they were a bit easier to recruit.