

Best Answer

fence,a road,great wall of china

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Q: What are some examples of man-made boundaries?
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What are some examples of intrafaith boundaries?

Intrafaith boundaries can include theological differences, variations in religious practices, disagreements over interpretations of scriptures, and divergent beliefs on specific rituals or traditions within the same religion. These boundaries can sometimes lead to conflict or tensions within religious communities.

What is some examples of artificial boundaries?

Some examples of artificial boundaries are state borders that do not follow a river or other natural feature, such as the boundary between Oregon and California. Most city and county boundaries are also artificial.

What are some examples artificial boundaries?

a fence, wall, or trench.

What are some examples of boundaries for childrens?

crossing the street is an example!

What are some examples of artificial boundaries?

The line that separates the U.S and Canada!

Are lakes manmade?

Some are. Most are not

What is an example of Built landscape for ap human geography?

Built landscape is stuff that is manmade, a.k.a. Not made by nature. Some examples include: Roads, Bridges, etc.

What are some examples of manufactured goods?

Manufactured goods are anything manmade, including:bookscleaning productscomputer hardwareclothinghome appliances (refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, etc.)toolsvehiclesvideo hardwareaircraftshipsprocessed food

What are some examples of collisions between a continental plate and an oceanic plate?

The Andes mountains of South America and the Cascade Mountains of North America are some examples of a continental-oceanic plate boundaries.

Examples of running water are what?

Manmade: Faucets, showerheads, etc. Natural: Streams, rivers, tributaries, etc.

What are some examples of of natural boundaries?

A natural boundary is a natural feature such as a river or mountain range that divides an area into sections.

What are some manmade features of Germany?

the Reichstag is one of them