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Copper, Silver, and Gold occur as elements instead of compounds.

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Vincent Hilpert

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Q: What are some examples of minerals that occurred as elements instead of compounds?
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Why is it important to learn about chemical elements?

Learning about chemical elements is important because they are the building blocks of all matter in the universe. Understanding their properties and behaviors helps us to make advances in various fields such as medicine, technology, and environmental science. Additionally, knowing about chemical elements enables us to better understand the world around us and how substances interact with each other.

What evidence is the that chemical reaction Occurred on the surface of the Statue of Liberty?

When a chemical reaction occurs, elements and compounds combine in different ways to make new materials. The elements copper and oxygen have reacted to form a new compound, copper oxide.

What process has occurred when two atoms combine to form a new atom?

Fusion! The atoms "fuse" together. Fission, on the other hand, is the separation of atoms into ligher elements, they form a fissure!

Why does chemical reaction occurred?

according to difference in electronegativity of elements(+ cation , - anion) , activity of elements

What nuclear process occurred when light elements combine to form heavier elements?

Nuclear Fusion

Are synthetic rubie's topaz and diamonds considered minerals?

Not in the truest sense, in that they have not occurred naturally.

What is the Compounds that are built around the element carbon?

Compounds built around the element carbon are called organic compounds. Carbon is unique in its ability to form long chains and complex structures, making it the basis for life on Earth. Examples of organic compounds include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.

Why do elements change color when mixed with others elements?

Color change indicates a chemical reaction has occurred. The mixture of elements has different chemical properties than the original individual elements.

Why exhausted minerals cannot be replenished?

Most minerals are created on geologic time scales of millions of years. The massive mining techniques and the huge consumption and demand for products created from minerals has only occurred in the last several centuries.

In which of these examples has acceleration not occurred?

Acceleration has not occurred in a stationary car at a red light, in a skydiver falling at terminal velocity, and in a roller coaster moving at a constant speed on a straight track.

What process has occurred when atoms combine to form a new elements and release energy?

this process is called fusion

What does a forensic geologist do?

A forensic geologist is responsible for studying the earth in connection with crimes. They look at soil, minerals and rocks to determine if and when a crime occurred.