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Q: What are some examples of non-enumerated rights?
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What are some examples of individual rights?

An example of individual rights is freedom of speech.

What are the types of human rights?

There are three main types of human rights: civil and political rights (such as freedom of speech, right to vote), economic, social and cultural rights (such as right to education, right to work), and collective rights (such as the rights of indigenous people, rights of minorities).

What are some examples of oligarchy laws?

they only have few rights

What are some examples of unenumerated rights?

the right to travel, the right to have privacy and more

What are some non examples of divine rights?

The empor of japon ww2

Examples of individual rights?

natural rights(being life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness--this is the version given by John Locke-- there is another version in united states government is life, liberty and property),Magna CartaHabeas CorpusPetition of RightsEnglish Bill of Rights

What are some examples of animal rights?

One example of animal rights is giving your pet plenty of food and water, but not enought that it will harm the animal.

What rights go to the heart of the US system?

See the Bill of Rights. Some examples include freedom of religion and the press, and the right to bear arms.

What are some of the rights of states?

Some examples of the state rights are that they can use rational basis to hear court cases about discrimination and the death penalty. Other state rights are to choose if they want to allow medical marijuana or gay marriage.

What are examples of natural rights?

Whats A Nonexample of Unalienable Rights

What are some examples of human rights abuses?

black people had to ride on a different bus than the white people