

What are some examples of organic hair relaxers?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Someone once suggested stale beer instead of shampoo or conditioner and, although it sounds crazy, not washing your hair with detergent. Do not wash your hair until it becomes greasy then the grease will fade away laving your hair natural.

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Q: What are some examples of organic hair relaxers?
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Are there hair relaxers without chemicals in it?

There are some "natural" or "organic" hair relaxers available that claim to be free of harsh chemicals. These products use ingredients such as plant extracts and oils to help relax the hair. It is important to carefully check the ingredients list and do a patch test before using any product to ensure compatibility with your hair and scalp.

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The best relaxers brand are up to you. There are some good relaxers but you need to get one that works well on your hair and hair type. Cocoa Keratin Kit is a good quality hair relaxer but in general no base chemical relaxers are the choice of Salons professionals because they are much more gentle on the hair and scalp.

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What age should you get your hair relaxed?

That is a matter of opinion. Some people do not relax their hair until they're 18+ (adults) & some women said they started relaxing their daughters' hair at the age of 2. There are "kiddie" relaxers that are milder & for children's hair if you decide to start young.

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some examples of organic sedimentary rocks are coal and limestones

What does strong alkali do to your hair?

Strong alkali, such as that found in some hair relaxers or perms, can break down the protein structure of your hair, leading to damage like dryness, breakage, and loss of elasticity. It can also weaken the hair shaft and alter its texture.