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a yo-yo, a car in motion, water falling from a water fall, walking or running, a bullet that has been fired.

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Q: What are some examples of potiential and kinetic energy?
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What are some examples of where kinetic energy is found?

Kinetic energy is defined in terms of motion, so anything in motion is exhibiting kinetic energy.

How do we use kinetic energy in everyday life?

Kinetic energy is any energy that is being used, so you use kinetic energy in many ways. Moving, using an electronic device, and even doing nothing (your body still completes certain processes) all are a few examples of using kinetic energy.

What are some examples of energy conversions from potential to kinetic?

In a hydro plant the water has potential energy which turns to kinetic when it is allowed to fall into the turbine. Or in a gasoline engine or a jet engine, the potential chemical energy in the fuel is released by burning it and it results in kinetic energy of the vehicle.

Where is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is a energy through movement. When some thing moves, it is kinetic energy.

A boulder falling through the air has what type of energy?

a boulder falling through the air still has some potential energy, but some of its potential energy has changed to kinetic it has both potential and kinetic!

As an object falls the gravitational potential energy of the object is converted to what?

Some of its potential energy changes to kinetic energy.

What is kinetic and potiential energy?

The definition for Potenial Energy- is stored up energy due to its position the definition for Kinetc Energy- is energy an object has due to its motion. [motion is moving] Here are some examples of Potenial Energy a man on top of a slide, a cup on a table, and a pencil on a desk. remember potenial energy is something that's stay still or don't move Here are some Examples of Kinetc Energy a moving car, a moving bus, amoving train, and a moving truck. remember kinetc energy is something that moves .. another word for move is motion. one mor example: water in the ocean is moving.

What are some examples of the forms of energy?

Kinetic- Throwing a baseballPotential- Holding a baseballGravitational Potential- A diver standing motionless of a diving boardElastic Potential- Bouncing a bouncy ball.Mechanical- A moving trainChemical- Gasoline in a carElectrical- Lightning StrikingElectromagnetic- Satellites in spaceNuclear- An exploding bombThermal- Boiling Water

What is total mechanical energy?

The some of potential energy + kinetic energy.

Can you give some types of kinetic energy?

There are many different forms of kinetic energy, but there are three that are most common. Linear Kinetic Energy (straight line motion) Rotational Kinetic Energy (Like a spinning top) Spring Kinetic Energy (A spring oscillating back and forth)

How does kinetic energy stop?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be converted into other forms. When you want to get rid of kinetic energy, we normally use a brake, which converts the kinetic energy into heat energy through friction. With some hybrid automobiles, they use "regenerative braking" to convert the kinetic energy of motion back into electrical energy in the batteries.

When potential energy is converted to kinetic energy can it be reversible?

Kinetic energy can be reconverted into potantial energy, but not with 100% efficiency. Some energe is lost in the process.