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Q: What are some examples of scavengers in the Gobi Desert?
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Which desert is spelled with four letters?

The Gobi and the Thar Deserts have 4 letters each.

What are some gobi desert tribes?

In the Early year of 1800, Asians ruld the Gobi Desert, feeding of beetles and mammals,

What are the 6 deserts in Asia?

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What is are some examples of scavengers?

I would say the animals that fart are scavengers.

Is the Gobi desert north of the equator?

If I am not mistaken, i do believe it is located in Central Asia. Leaning more to the East. But not Eastern Asia. It is in China. In the middle Actually, Gobi desert is in Mongolia.

What are some main deserts in Asia?

Some major desert areas in Asia:Arabian Desert Gobi Desert Syrian Desert Thar Desert Taklamakan Desrt

What is the picture of the Gobi desert food chain?

The Desert pictuer is about relationship

What are some scavengers of the desert?

desert ants hyenas and vultures and u get the rest dumbo

What are some deserts outside the US?

Some deserts not in the United States:Antarctica,Sahara,Gobi Desert,Thar Desert,Arabian Desert,Atacama Desert,Patagonian Desert

In what country is the gobi desert?

It is in China and some parts of Mongolia too.

How do people in the Gobi desert spend there spare time?

The Gobi desert is prized for it's fossils. Many palaeontologists travel to the Gobi desert to start new digs. They are always finding something different and amazing like fossilized nests with eggs of some type of prehistoric creature.

What are the 6 deserts in Asia called?

Some Asian Deserts:Arabian Desert Gobi Desert Taklamakan Desert Syrian Desert Thar Desert Kara Kum Desert