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A personal pronoun takes the place of a noun for a specific person or thing.

The personal pronouns are: I, you, we, he, she, it, me, us, him, her, they, them.

Example sentences:

I made you a sandwich.

You are all excused.

How will we get home? Dad will pick us up when I give him a call.

Jane came to visit and she brought the baby with her.

My grandparents are coming. They will be here at six.

A possessive pronoun takes the place of a noun that belongs to someone or something.

The possessive pronouns are: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.

Example sentences:

The car with the ticket on the windshield is mine.

Yours is the best on the street.

You don't have to buy one, you can borrow ours.

I recognize hers when I see it.

The first house on the left is theirs.

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A possessive pronoun a word that takes the place of a noun belonging to someone or something.

They are: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.


  1. The car with the ticket on the windshield is mine.
  2. Theirs has a flower on the antenna.
  3. One more payment and it will be yours.
  4. The winning entry was hers.
  5. The house with the green door is his.

Another type of pronoun that shows possession is a possessive adjective; a word placed before a noun to describe that noun as belonging to someone or something.

They are: my, your, his, her, our their, its.

Example: His house has the green door.

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What are pronouns that refer primarily to people called?

Pronouns that refer mostly to people are called personal pronouns. Some personal pronouns include I, me, you, him, her, she, them, he, and they.

What is the personal pronouns have number person and what?

Personal pronouns have:number (singular or plural)person (first person, second person, third person)gender (male, female, neuter).case (subjective, objective, possessive)The singular personal pronouns are: I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it.The plural personal pronouns are: we, us, you, they, them.The first person personal pronouns (the person speaking) are: I, me, we, us.The second person personal pronouns (the person spoken to) is: youThe third person personal pronouns (the person/thing spoken about) are: he, him, she, her, it, they, them.The personal pronouns for a male are: he, him.The personal pronouns for a female are: she, her.The neuter personal pronoun is: it.The personal pronouns that can be used for male or female are: I, me, we, us, you.The personal pronouns that can be used for male, female, or neuter are: they, them.

What are the all personal pronoun?

The personal pronouns are:subjective pronouns: I, we, he, she, and they.objective pronouns: me, us, him, her, and them.pronouns that can be subject or object: you and it.

What are the three things a personal pronoun have?

Three things that personal pronouns have are:number, does it replace a singular or plural noun or nouns.gender, does it replace a noun for a female, male, or neuter, is it used for the subject or the object of a sentence or phrase; or is it used to show possession.

Pronouns used as direct objects must be what case?

Pronouns used as direct objects in a sentence must be objective pronouns.The objective personal pronouns: me, him, her, them.The personal pronouns that are subjective or objective: you, it.

Related questions

Examples of predicate nominative in the form of personal pronoun?

Some examples of predicate nominatives using personal pronouns include: "I am she," "You are he," and "They are we." In these examples, the personal pronouns (I, you, they) serve as the subjects of the sentences and are connected to the pronouns after the linking verb (am, are) to complete the predicate nominative construction.

What I you he she and they are examples of what types of pronoun?

I, you, he, she, and they are examples of personal pronouns. Personal pronouns represent specific people or things. The personal pronouns are:first person: I, we, me, ussecond person: youthird person: he, she, it, they, them

What are 5 examples sentences of personal pronouns?

She is going to the store to buy groceries. I am studying for my exams next week. They will arrive at the party late. He is playing football with his friends. We are going on vacation to the beach.

Give you a examples of personal pronoun?

The personal pronouns represent specific people or things; they are:personal pronouns:Iyouwehesheitmeushimhertheythem

What is the perssonal pronoun?

Personal pronouns are words that are used to replace nouns or names to refer to people or things. Examples include "I, you, he, she, it, we, they." These pronouns are used to avoid repetition in sentences and make communication more efficient.

What are pronouns used for in the English language?

Pronouns are used to replace nouns in sentences. This is helpful to make things not sound repetitive. Some examples of pronouns are he, she, it, they, and we.

What is a Pronouns- object- subject?

Subject: Subjective pronouns are used only for the subject of a sentences or a clause.The subjective personal pronouns are I, we, he, she, and they.Object: Objective pronouns are pronouns that are used only for the object of a verb or a preposition.The objective personal pronouns are me, us, him, her, and them.The pronouns you and it function as both subject or object in a sentence.

What are examples of special pronouns?

Some examples of special pronouns include reflexive pronouns (e.g., myself, yourself), possessive pronouns (e.g., mine, yours), and interrogative pronouns (e.g., who, whom). These pronouns serve specific grammatical functions in sentences.

What are the five example of definite pronoun?

There are a group of pronouns called indefinite pronouns but no group called definite pronouns. I have only seen that term used once before, it was for definite personal pronouns. The personal pronouns are I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, they, them.

Can you give me a 3 sentences of personal pronoun?

I, me, and my are personal pronouns commonly used when referring to oneself in the first person. You, your, and yours are personal pronouns used to address someone in the second person. He, she, and they are personal pronouns used to refer to others in the third person.

What connects a word at the beginning of a sentence with a word at the end of a sentence?

make sentences using personal pronouns

What is the difference between the possessives of nouns and the possessives of personal pronouns?

The possessives of nouns show ownership or relationship to something else (example: "John's car"), while the possessives of personal pronouns indicate who something belongs to (example: "his car"). The main difference is that the possessives of nouns use an apostrophe + s, while possessives of personal pronouns have specific forms (like my, your, his, her, its, our, their).