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I think all fabrics are flammable its just that some are easier than others to catch flame.

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Q: What are some fabrics that are not flammable?
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What fabrics are flammable?

the answer is simple... the three flammable fabrics are 1. polyester, 2. acrylic and 3. rayon

What is the abstract of why synthetic fabrics are more flammable than natural fabrics?

Synthetic fabrics normally are made from polyester, which is a petroleum based,

Are modern-day curtains flammable?

Yes all curtains are flammable. All fabrics are flammable unless they are made for labratories or testing sites.

Why are synthetic fabrics more flammable than natural fabrics?

Because most of them are by-products of oil eg.nylon, polyester

Is gel flammable?

Yes, some gels are flammable. How flammable would depend on it's alcohol, or flammable substance content. Some gels are not flammable at all, and others a very flammable.

Is liter fluid flammable?

No. Water- a liquid- is not flammable. Which is very lucky thing for all of us.

Is silk flammable?

Everything is flammable -- the differences are the temperatures at which the element burst into flame. According to Silk Fast Facts, "Pure Silk's flash point is between 300 degrees and 460 degrees. . . "

Are liquids flammable?

Not all liquids are flammable. Some liquids that are flammable are gasoline, alcohol, oil. Liquids like water are not flammable.

What are the safety features of electric heaters?

You should always keep the heaters away from fabrics or things that are flammable. I would also purchase some type of barrier to��separate��your children from the heaters as they can reach dangerous temperatures for infants.

What are some adjectives that describe fabric and begin with the letter U?

Many fabrics are useful. Some fabrics are unique.

Is fabric waterproof?

Some fabrics are waterproof while others are not. Some waterproof fabrics are:Latex or natural rubberGore-TexVinylFluoropolymers

Is any acid flammable?

Yes some organic acids, such as acetic acid, are flammable.