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The kermode bear is a really good thing to learn about they live on Princess rolay island, they eat all different things like Berrys and Fish and insets. The reason why they are whit is because they had a mution on one of there bases in the DNA. when born they weigh about 1/2 of a pound ! they are aslo soo big when they grow up from tip of the tail to the shoulders its about 4-6 feet and from their foot to the shoulder its about 2.5-3 feett

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Q: What are some facts about Kermode bears?
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Related questions

What color are Kermode bears?

Kermode, or spirit bears, range in color from white to blondish.

Where are kermode bears found?

Kermode bears are found British Colombia.

How many kermode bears are left in the wild?

there is 200 Kermode bears left in the world (white and black).

What is the Kermode bear's classification?

The Kermode bear is a subspecies of the black bear, unique in that around 10% of these bears are white.

From where do white bears come?

Polar bears are found in the Arctic while Kermode bears are found in western Canada.

Spirit bear facts?

Maybe 100 exist. Most Spirit Bears live on Princess Royaland Gribbell Islands along the rainforest coast of British Columbia. They are considered a subspecies of black bears called Kermode bears (Ursus americanus kermodeii).

What do Kermode bears eat?

i think they eat what any other bears can eat. salmon,berries etc.

What helps a Kermode bear live in its surrounding?

we can help the kermode bears live by not turning where these bears live into an park where loggers can come or hunt them for their skin. we all must treat animals as we treat each other.

Where do Kermode bears live?

Well the Kermode bear is really a type of black bear that has a whitish fur. So you can find them in some parts in north America of some parts in British Colombia.on Canada's west coast xox i love L.S

Are spirit bears and polar bears different?

Yes. Spirit bears (also called Kermode bears) are a subspecies of american black bear. Polar bears are a different species altogether.

How do Kermode bears adapt?

the mother gives there cubs milkwhile the father goes hunting for fish

French name for Kermode Bear?

The french name for the Kermode bear is l'ours Kermode. Whatever language you say kermode in it will always be the same.