

What are some facts about cloning?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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If two people cannot have a child due to infertility, cloning could give them a baby. BUT ! if this baby is used for spare parts , it should NEVER be allowed or legal

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Q: What are some facts about cloning?
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What are the Statistics about cloning on humans?

Some interesting facts about cloning are: Human stem cells and rat cells have been mixed at some point. The first cloned animal was a tadpole. Despite the research that has been put into cloning, 95% of attempts fail.

Should cloning research be regulated?

I think cloning research shouldn't be regulated because cloning can be harmful to the world. Also cloning can have advantages and some disadvantages.

Is human cloning the same as animal cloning?

Human cloning is very controversial in the world, some people think it is wrong. Animal cloning is less controversial, but like animal testing of shampoos etc., some people are against it.

What is the potential benefits of cloning human beings?

Some potential benefits of cloning humans, animals, plants, etc. would be cloning needed body parts for sick people, cloning important people, cloning missed, loved ones, etc.


Cloning isn't eaxctly new, we've been cloning for quite some time now.

What are some products produced by cloning?

Nothing. Cloning eventually creates an exact replica, if not different ages.

What is artificial cloning?

When a clone is made without the use of artificial cloning. Natural cloning: Twins, mitosis, asexual reproduction Artificial cloning: SCNT, therepuetic + reproductive cloning.

Why are some people against cloning?

cose their fools

What are some cons of cloning?

Some cons to cloning are that you would be like eating fake or artificial food and meat. Additional Info: Short lives, and different personalities.

What are some bad things about animal cloning?

Some bad things about animal cloning is that it messes with nature and the life cycle. It also can harm the original organism and create mutants.

What were the reactions to the news about Dolly the sheep?

hello,some were shocked.· 89% believed that the cloning of human beings was not morally right· 66% believed that the cloning of animals was not morally right· 69% are scared by the connotations of cloning humans· 74% believe that cloning is going against God's will· 19% disagree with the statement that cloning is against God's will· 6% of Americans are in favor of human cloning