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that's what im sayin cause i need some answers for my president project

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Q: What are some funny facts about Andrew Jackson that a fifth grader could share with their class?
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Which headline could have accompanied the election of Andrew Jackson as president?

A Victory for the Common Man

What was Franklin Pierce's inspiration for presidency?

Pierce was an admirer of President Andrew Jackson. Even though he did not particularly want to be president, he must have had been inspired by Andrew Jackson's example of what a president could be.

In what way did Andrew Jackson expand the concept of the chosen class?

The "chosen class" was everyone and no one. Jackson himself was once poor, and therefore could sympathize with struggling Americans. During his presidency, classes became less-distinguished and the "common man" emerged as (in terms of "class") a middle-class industrial worker.

What Was Andrew Jackson Position On Nullifiacation?

Jackson supported nullification, provided that states could show that the law being nullified would truly hurt them.

Is Andrew Jackson gay?

No one truly knows because no one could read his mind or no how he feels

Why was Andrew Jackson so influential in the mid-1800s?

Andrew Jackson was influential because people could relate to him. He believed in equality and he understood the needs of the people. His influence led to Martin Van Buren creating the Democratic party.

What are some negatives about Andrew Jackson?

he led the trail of tears and removed every native American he posibly could :(

What voteing law change that help Andrew Jackson get elected?

The law was that any person rich or poor could vote.

What was Andrew Jackson's position on the Five Tribes retaining their homeland?

Jackson supported nullification, provided that states could show that the law being nullified would truly hurt them.

How did the election of Andrew Jackson influence American politics?

Until Andrew Jackson, only land owners could vote. Jackson was a president of the people. He had many former army members that had served under him in the War of 1812 go home to vote for Jackson. Jackson had military experience as a general and a military governor in Florida. He didn't have any civilian experience.