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Q: What are some general adaptations of a sloth?
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What are the adaptations of a sloth?

tey eat leaveslong tongues

What are the physiological adaptations of a sloth?

They adapt from Josh HIll

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Some general adaptations for flowering plants having visual and olfactory cues. These are useful for purposes of attracting pollinators.

Adaptations of a sloth?

The adaptations of a sloth are that it grows algae on its fur and the algae helps it blend in with treetops from predators. Sloths have a good sense of smell to find and detect predators. Sloths can open and close their nose to keep termites from coming up their nose.

What are the physiological behavioral and structural adaptations of three animals?

Bird migration and the hibernation of some animals during the cold seasons are behavioral adaptations. The physiological adaptations relate to the general functioning of the body.

What adaptations help sloth to escape from enemies?

they are slow and have dextras fingers so they can get away from their enemies by swinging from branches quickly.

What are a Linn's sloths adaptations?

The Linn's sloth has adapted very well to harsh environments. It used to have a short beak then it adapted to have a long beak

A type of algae grows on a sloth what must be true for the algae and the sloth to have a commesal relationship?

The sloth must be helped by the algae in some way.

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Why are lazy people called slothful?

The word sloth comes from the word slow, and means laziness or indolence. The word was used as a name for the animal (e.g. tree sloth, three-toed sloth) due to their slow movement and general air of inactivity.

What are some facts about a sloth?

it poops on computars