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If you have already read The Bible and yet consider yourself a struggling Christian, you may need to change your expectations of the Bible. You read the Bible, expecting it to be logically consistent and to describe a God who loves you and you can love in return, yet you found inconsistences from one part of the Bible to another, and you found God often to be irrational, demanding and even cruel.

You now need to read a book, written by a Christian for Christians, that puts what you found in the Bible into some sort of perspective and helps you to accept the Bible with all its limitations. There are many of these, and it is hard to suggest one without knowing your age and expectations.

A broad introductory text to the New Testament is a good place to start, since Christianity is more about the New Testament than the Old. "An Introduction to the New Testament", written by Raymond E. Brown and published by Doubleday (1996) is excellent for an adult with a reasonable grasp of the Christian faith. The book is a little challenging, but not overly academic and could suit someone who has already read the entire Bible. Father Brown is a Catholic but does not look at the Bible from a particularly Catholic perspective.

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The Bible.

The Purpose Driven Life

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