

Best Answer


The sun


A microwave oven

A light bulb. Baiscly anything that gives off heat through space (without touching the object it's warming up).

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Q: What are some good conductors of radiation heat transfer?
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What are the different types of heat transfer?

There are three types of heat transfer, namely conduction, convection and radiation. Heat is transferred until the reach a state of equilibrium. Conduction is basically the transfer of heat through a surface of contact, such as a fire to the base of a pot. We say that a material is a good or poor conductor of heat when heat travels quickly or slowly in that particular material. Good conductors of heat are metals whereas poor conductors of heat are rubber and Styrofoam. Conduction cannot occur in a vacuum. Convection is the transfer of heat through molecules. It can only occur in liquids and gases as there are relatively big spaces between the molecules. A convection current is where hot air rises and cold air sinks. Convection cannot occur in a vacuum. Radiation is the transfer of heat through a vacuum. Heat is transferred from the Sun to Earth through radiation.

What material best transfer heat?

Metals are known to be good conductors of heat as well as good conductors of electricity. Diamond is an exception though, being one of the best thermal conductors but a very poor electrical conductor.

Does a conductor transfer heat?

does a conductor transfer of heat Basically, when it comes to conducting heat, not all substances are created equal. Metals and stone are considered good conductors since they can speedily transfer heat, whereas materials like wood, paper, air, and cloth are poor conductors of heat. ... Materials that are poor conductors of heat are called insulators

What are materials that transfer thermal energy well called?

Materials that transfer thermal energy well are called good themal conductors. The metals are generally good conductors of heat (thermal energy).

What is radiation in heat transfer?

Radiation in heat transfer is one of three known modes of heat transfer: conduction (as heat transfer in solids and less effective in liquids)), Convection (as in liquids and gases), and radiation (that not necessarily require a medium for the transfer). Heat of sun is transferred to us in the vacuum space by radiation heat transfer.

Related questions

What are the different types of heat transfer?

There are three types of heat transfer, namely conduction, convection and radiation. Heat is transferred until the reach a state of equilibrium. Conduction is basically the transfer of heat through a surface of contact, such as a fire to the base of a pot. We say that a material is a good or poor conductor of heat when heat travels quickly or slowly in that particular material. Good conductors of heat are metals whereas poor conductors of heat are rubber and Styrofoam. Conduction cannot occur in a vacuum. Convection is the transfer of heat through molecules. It can only occur in liquids and gases as there are relatively big spaces between the molecules. A convection current is where hot air rises and cold air sinks. Convection cannot occur in a vacuum. Radiation is the transfer of heat through a vacuum. Heat is transferred from the Sun to Earth through radiation.

What material best transfer heat?

Metals are known to be good conductors of heat as well as good conductors of electricity. Diamond is an exception though, being one of the best thermal conductors but a very poor electrical conductor.

Does a conductor transfer heat?

does a conductor transfer of heat Basically, when it comes to conducting heat, not all substances are created equal. Metals and stone are considered good conductors since they can speedily transfer heat, whereas materials like wood, paper, air, and cloth are poor conductors of heat. ... Materials that are poor conductors of heat are called insulators

What are materials that easily transfer heat?

Heat Conductors

What materials are easily transfer heat?

Heat Conductors

What are materials that transfer thermal energy well called?

Materials that transfer thermal energy well are called good themal conductors. The metals are generally good conductors of heat (thermal energy).

Which is not a good conductor of heat?

elements with low thermal conductivity are called insulators. they cannot transfer heat in an efficient way. they are not good conductors.

What is the fastest heat transfer?

It depends on the medium of heat transfer. For solids, it is conduction heat transfer. For liquids and gases, it is convection heat transfer. for vacuum (no medium), it is radiation heat transfer.

What is the relation between good conductor and good heat transfer?

Both can be metals. Metal are good conductor of electricity and good conductors of heat transfer due to their ability to give up electrons so easily.

Why are metals good heat conductors?

Some of the outer electrons of metal atoms are free to move from atom to atom. These free electrons transfer heat readily making metals good thermal conductors.

A good conductor of heat?

A good conductor of heat is one that is able to transfer heat. Most metals are good conductors of heat and are often used in heating processes.

What is The heat transfer?
