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Consider switching low-cholesterol oils for your current cooking oils. Canola, olive and peanut oils are much lower in cholesterol than butter, animal fats, and coconut and palm oils.

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Q: What are some good diet plans to lower cholesterol?
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What is a good diet to lower my cholesterol?

A good diet to lower your cholesterol would include cutting out all foods high in cholesterol, like red meat. You should be eating more fruits and vegetables and whole grains like oats to help lower your cholesterol.

Aside from changing my diet, how may I go about lowering my cholesterol?

There are many ways to lower the cholesterol. The most effective is diet, but next is exercise. Exercise is a very good bet to lower the cholesterol levels in the body.

Where can I find a lower cholesterol diet plan?

There are many places where you can find low cholesterol diets. Your doctor would be your best source of information since he/she is already aware of other pre-existing conditions that may be necessary to take into consideration as you plan your diet. There are many books that already have great information such as: 1001 Heart Healthy Recipes by Dick Logue and the Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cookbook by the American Heart Association. Check out your local library for a wide array of information about lowering your cholesterol.

How can you lower your cholesterol without removing meat from your diet?

I would cut out all the other fatty foods in your diet and pick meats that are lower in cholesterol such as chicken and fish. These are good options that are better for you.

which foods will help lower cholesterol levels?

Well definatly a good healthy diet plans that you can start is to just basically eat what i call "green foods" these include broccolii, lettus etc......

What is a good diet plan to lower cholesterol?

You can lower your cholesterol pretty easily by eating foods that are high in whole grains, and low in sodium. Try this website for more information.���cholesterol/���low-cholesterol-foods.html

Where can I find more information on lower cholesterol diet plan ?

Http:// is a good website with great information on lowering your cholesterol. It outlines some good things to eat and others to avoid.

Where can I get a good diet plan that would lower my cholesterol?

The best place to find a wide variety of diet plans for high cholesterol is your local library. It may seem old fashioned to research in books, but that way you can have multiple ones right at your fingertips, and for free as well. Your doctor also should be able to give you a good diet plan that's strictly for you and any other ailments you may have.

What is a good diet to lower high cholesterol?

A good diet for lowering cholesterol is to eat certain food groups. These include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Also, it is a good idea to feed your body regularly but keep in mind what your taking in.

Is there a low fat diet to lower cholesterol?

Foods that lower cholesterol are usually whole grain foods. I know that foods like oatmeal, and cheerios are good to eat as well.���Diets/���low-cholesterol-diet.aspx

Is cheerios known and proven to help lower cholesterol, and a good diet plan?

A lower cholesterol diet can be found with eating a lot more fruits and vegetables and making sure to watch you sodium and sugar intake. Eating healthy is key.

How can one lower their cholesterol?

Lowering ones cholesterol takes a lifestyle change that consists of daily exercise and diet change. A good diet to lower ones cholesterol includes eliminating trans fats and increasing saturated fats. Also eating more whole grains and fruits and vegetables helps.