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There are multiple websites that can help you find a diet. Some of these websites are:,, and All three sites offer great ideas for diets.

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Q: What are some good foods to eat for my diet plan?
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What are some good nutritional diet plans?

Some good nutritional Diet Plans are the Anti-Aging diet Plan, the Eat-And-Lose-Weight Meal PLan, the Mediterranean Meal PLan, and the Soup Diet (Basic Recipes)

How do you begin an arthritis diet plan?

You would begin a arthritis diet plan by finding foods that may relieve some symptoms of arthritis. You could also start by finding out what foods you should avoid, because some foods may trigger the symptoms of your arthritis.

What are some diet plans for women that are proven to work?

Usually diet plans for men and women don't really differ. A lot of the same foods are included in both. You can get a good diet plan by going to this website.

What are some good diets for quick weight loss?

The best way to lose weight quickly is to change your diet, to foods that are healthy, and drink plenty of water. You also need to establish a good workout plan.

Where can I go online to find some information on fibromyalgia diet plans?

WebMD is an excellent source for information about how a good diet plan can impact fibromyalgia in a positive way, and also lists the foods/drinks to avoid.

what are some diets forsomeone wiwht diabetics?

The best diet for diabetics is one that avoids highly processed foods. Returning to a diet of simple foods low in fat and sugar, along with combining exercise, is a good route to go. Check with your doctor first before embarking on any diet plan.

What are the most successfull diet plans?

A way to lose some weight and get healthy is to do a diet plan - consisting of eating green foods, such as lettuce, spinach, and celery, while cutting out greasy foods.

Where can I find a good diet plan for a woman?

A healthy diet plan consists of eating healthy foods and exercise. Women only need about 1500-1800 calories a day. has some very good meal plans to help get you started along with shopping lists if you want to try their meal plans.

What are some foods allowed for consumption in a type 2 diabetes diet plan?

Most foods are allowable in a diabetic diet. The thing to watch is the amount of carbohydrates and sugars in the foods. There are many low sugar and carbohydrate options available for most foods now.

What are some good foods to give horses on a diet?

pellets hay andwater

what are some low cholestral diet foods?

Low cholesterol diet foods are good for people who have high cholesterol. Some good low cholesterol diet foods are fruits (apples, bananas, pears), vegetables (peppers, broccoli, onions) and low fat dairy products. A good website to check out is

What are some of the best diet foods to eat when dieting?

Some of the best diet foods to eat while dieting are vegetables and fruit. Especially those that are low in calories but high in fiber. Celery, squash, are some good foods to look at.