

What are some good natural remedies for anxiety?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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There are many good natural and alternative remedies for anxiety. One could simply exercise as physical activity is a natural stress reliever. There are also many different types of herbs such as passionflower or kava that are effective remedies.

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Q: What are some good natural remedies for anxiety?
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What are some Herbal Remedies for Anxiety?

The natural and herbal anxiety remedies are medication which can prevent and protect suffering by the mental healthy issue and this medicine have some effect such as personality change.

Where can one find some anxiety remedies?

There are a couple of online websites that lists some anxiety remedies, The best website to check would be Health How Stuff Works. They have a couple of good remedies.

What are some good home remedies for stress and anxiety?

Good home remedies for stress and anxiety is always good to remember. If you are stressed out try aroma therapy, with scents like lavender, mint or tea tree oil.

What are some natural anxiety remedies?

If someone is suffering from some sort of anxiety disease one of the best things to do is to use cognitive behavioral therapy. This involves talking about it and resolving the problem and does not include any drugs.

What are some good tips for an upset stomach?

Peppermint, licorice, horehound are natural remedies.

Are there any natural ways to cure anxiety without taking medication?

While it is difficult to cure, dependent on the severity of your anxiety you may be able to control it with natural remedies. Some things that produce a calming effect are: organic teas, soothing baths, and time alone devoid of stressful situations.

What stores are the most reputable for finding natural health remedies?

There are a number of stores with good reputations for natural health remedies. TnK health foods and Greenfield's Grocery are some examples of great health stores.

What is a good colon cleaning supplement?

Try some herbs and natural home remedies to help clean your colon. A great starting point is and it also provides some review for colon cleansing products.

What are some natural teething remedies?

There are many natural teething remedies, the first and easiest is ice, your finger, cold fruit, clove oil and cold washcloths.

How do you stop having acne natural remedies house remedies no creams just simple house remedies stuff I can find easily on the super market or Walmart or in my house remember all natural no lies ok?

There are a few natural remedies or home remedies which involve simple household ingredients that can be used in stopping and treating acne. One can easily find the ingredients for these remedies in the Supermarket or Walmart or in their own homes. Some all natural remedies include using toothpaste on areas of acne infected skin or using a sliced potato on the skin. Using a sliced lemon on the skin is also another good home remedy for acne.

What are some natural remedies that increase energy?

A Good nights sleep and a nutritious diet are your best bets. Exercising will also increase your energy.

What are some popular homeopathic cold remedies?

Some good natural remedies for the common cold include zinc, vitamin D, Astragalus root, garlic, vitamin C, honey, echinacea, ginseng root, ginger, elderberry and eucalyptus steam.