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Take some clear plastic wrap and place it under the toilet seat. When the go it will get all over. (works beat at night)

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Q: What are some good pranks for April Fools' Day?
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Good April fools pranks to text your friends?

Some good April Fool's pranks to text your friends are "Warning! This is a virus. When you turn your phone off it won't work again" and "You have won $200,000, call 1-800-**** right now to claim your prize".

Pranks for April Fools' Day?

if you have dogs take some lemonade and warm it up and poor it wherever ;) get it?

Is April Fools' Day very popular?

it is very popular i mean pretty much all kids love a good laugh and pranks can give u that. Some people don't like pranks but not all are bad on April fools day it can be a mild prank ,big prank ,small joke, or even just a little white lie. so yes April fools day is very popular.

What are some good April Fools' Day pranks for a teacher to play on her 5th grade students?

Tell them there is a school carnival/free day/... the day before. When they show up on Fools' Day give them a surprise test.

What does April Fools' Day mean?

April Fool's Day is a day for fools! In other words, it's an excuse to be silly and lighten up some. The fools would be the people who play the silly pranks, and the fools that fall for them, so it's for everyone, truly and is meant for harmless, safe fun and laughter.

What are some April Fools' Day pranks you can do on your teacher?

You could hide a whoopee cushion under their chair, or bring them a donut with miracle whip inside! : ]

What are some good April fools pranks for your kids?

Say that there going to starve all day and then hide all the food and lock them in the bathroom and when they start crying say APRIL FOOLS or take fake blood have your husband slap you and push you on the floor and start crying and stand up with fake blood all over you!!

What are some April Fools' Day sayings?

April fools!!

What are the best April Fools' Day pranks ever?

Here are some great ones:

What are some April Fools' Day pranks for kids in 6th grade that they wouldn't get in trouble for?

Go and change all of the clocks in the house 2 or 3 hours ahead or you could put a post-it note over the bottom of the computer mouse so it does not work. LOL this is mean tell somebody that you love them and then an hour later tell them April Fools!! Hope this helps also search pranks online at

What are some good April Fools' Day jokes to put on your Facebook?

Fools Rush InOur users share some prankish ideas:If you have a Facebook account, you actually have a life. ("APRIL FOOLS!") My God, you look so handsome! ("APRIL FOOLS!")No one on your friends' list is a rapist or random person whose friend request you just randomly accepted because you like the feeling of being accepted. ("APRIL FOOLS!")

What are good April fools pranks?

Here's what you do, get some cling film stretch over the toilet bowl, then put the toilet seat ring down. When someone goes to the restroom they will have a shock, as nothing will go down the pan.